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    About vogelein
    I currently live in Portsmouth, Ohio, about 60 miles from Gallipolis, Ohio, where I was born in 1952. I wish I could find someone with whom to discuss the life of Hervey de Saint-Denys, or even Graham Greene or William Burroughs.
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    Childhood Games Abandoned

    by vogelein on 01-20-2014 at 08:25 PM
    Dream of: 14 January 2014 (3) "Childhood Games Abandoned"

    I'm at a house where a bunch of people whom I've known throughout life are meeting for a banquet. Three square tables - similar to card tables - are set up in a room. One table is in the middle of the room and the other two are in opposite corners - like three x's in a diagonal line on a tic-tac-toe board. People are sitting at all three tables. Members of my family are sitting at the table in one corner while I'm sitting with five or six people at the table in the middle.

    As we are eating a meal, I notice that no one talks across the separate tables. I wish that we could all talk to each other, but something seems to be preventing our doing so. I turn around to the table in one corner (not the table with my family members) and I holler, "Hey!"

    Everyone at that table seems half asleep and they suddenly jump when they hear my voice. I tell everyone that we all need to sit at the table in the middle of the room. The people in the corner table stand up to come to the table in the middle, but my family sitting in the other corner table doesn't move - they say that we'll have to come to their table. I don't want to argue so I say, ok. The problem is that part of the family table is sitting against a couch which would have to be moved. It looks as if the people at the family table might give in and move to the middle.

    I have the idea that once we're all in the middle of the room, we'll all form a circle, hold hands, and somehow bring God into the picture.

    Someone has a list of the people who are present. I notice that the list contains the names of people from all over the world. Someone suggests playing a game which I recognize as a childhood game. I realize, however, that the game is not going to work. This is a new situation and not appropriate for old games which we used to play when we were children.

    Dream Commentary

    This dream portrays the web sites which I use: the Dream Journal, Dream Views, Facebook, and my own Dream Epics web site. The table in the corner with my family is Facebook, the table in the opposite corner where the people are half asleep is the Dream Journal web site, and the table in the middle is Dream Views. My Dream Epics web site is represented by the potential circle of all the people holding hands in a circle and injecting God into the formula.


    Chosen Of God

    by vogelein on 01-20-2014 at 08:16 PM
    Dream of: 14 January 2014 (2) "Chosen Of God"

    I'm living in the middle latitudes of Africa and I'm looking at a map of all of Africa. The bottom half of African looks more like the isthmus of Central America with a string of four or five small countries which stretch from coast to coast. I'm thinking of traveling to Tanzania, which is the second or third country from the bottom of the map. It turns out that the Jews are now not only in Israel, but that they have taken over much of Tanzania. It seems strange to me that the Jews have established a new center of power in Tanzania.

    I start looking at a piece of paper which describes a place where I can visit in Tanzania. The paper contains a program of events which will happen at this place. The first event of the day will be a long reading of a passage from the book of Genesis. After the lengthy reading, people in the program will have the opportunity to actually construct something. On a table in front of me I can see what appears to be a construction kit of the thing to be constructed. Many pieces look like steel girders. Apparently the end product will be some kind of Jewish monument.

    I reflect that I've never really understood why people who are born Jewish continued to remain Jewish once they were old enough to understand their religion. It seems to me that when someone was old enough to understand the Jewish religion, he would give it up, because the religion really didn't make much sense. Now, however, I'm beginning to comprehend the religion a little better. I see that the Jews actually do feel as if they are the "chosen of God" and as if they were born Jewish because they have a special role in the world. Contrary to my previous assumption that the Jewish religion was fading away, I now perceive a new resurgence in the Jewish religion and I think I would like to learn more about it.


    Updated 01-20-2014 at 08:18 PM by vogelein



    by vogelein on 01-20-2014 at 08:12 PM
    Dream of: 14 January 2014 "Liaison"

    I've just stepped outside onto a sidewalk which seems to be in a city in France when I notice a thin blonde-haired woman walking along the sidewalk. I can't tell at first how old she is, but when I move closer, I see that she's not young and that she's probably in her late 30s. She's still attractive - not beautiful - and she's dressed provocatively. She looks a bit worn with wrinkles around the corners of the eyes.

    I begin walking along fairly close to her, and when I realize that she's a prostitute, I ask her to come up to my room with me. I'm living on the third or fourth floor of an older building which seems like a rooming house. I have my own room in which I've been living for a while. She agrees to accompany me and we continue talking in French as we head for my room.

    As we talk about our arrangement, she mentions the word "baiser". I think she is asking if I want oral sex. I respond, "Tout," meaning that I want everything. I think to myself that I don't want anal sex, but I would like to have regular sex and have her perform oral sex. I want to get that straight before we reach my room.

    The subject of cost arises and she responds with what sounds like the Spanish word, "Seis."

    I think I need to clarify that. I think she means "60", but I need to make she that she doesn't later say that she meant "600". I say in Spanish, "Sesenta?"

    She doesn't say anything, but I can see that she's calculating in her head. She says something about interest, and I tell her that if she will simply put the money in the bank for a while, she will end up being rich.

    As we walk toward my building, we pass a park where a family is sitting at a picnic table. The woman says something to the family. I can tell by the frown of the woman sitting at the table with her children that she doesn't appreciate this woman approaching her family in that fashion.

    Just before we reach my building, I start thinking that I have a condom somewhere in my room. I think the woman might have one of her own, but I'm uncertain whether she supplies those. We reach the building and head up the stairs.


    Nature Preserve

    by vogelein on 01-15-2014 at 12:50 AM
    Dream of: 13 January 2014 "Nature Preserve"

    put yourself in the animal's place

    I'm standing in front of the Farmhouse (on my father's Gallia County Farm) and looking down toward Symmes Creek at the bottom of the hill. I'm trying to see if any fish are in the water, but something seems to be clouding the water. I think the creek might have been fished out, but then I see quite a few small bluegills only about three centimeters long which are swimming along.

    I keep looking at the water until I see a small black furry animal which appears to be swimming under the surface and occasionally sticking its head up above the water. Then I see a second similar animal and I think there might even be more. I think the animal might be a beaver, but it has a different form than a beaver and its coat looks sleeker than a beaver's coat. I know that beaver are in the creek, but this animal appears to be something different. When one of the animals breaks completely above the surface, I conclude that its an otter. I'm excited because I don't remember having ever seen otters here on the Farm. I'm happy to see them.

    I see something else which I've never noticed before: a huge boulder sitting on the edge of the creek. The boulder has an irregularly shaped circular top which is perhaps thirty meters in diameter. The boulder has a rough flat surface on which is sitting some kind of furry animal. I keep looking at the animal and trying to figure out what it is, when I finally conclude that it is a gray monkey. I've never seen a monkey here on the Farm, so this is also interesting. I conclude that more and more animals must be inhabiting the Farm than previously. I have the feeling that various animals have become accustomed to sitting on this boulder and in a way it almost seems like a miniature nature preserve.

    A female forest ranger is walking around in front of the Farmhouse when a man and woman show up. I listen to the conversation as the man and woman talk with the ranger and I become cognizant that they're talking about a government program in which a person can become a "supervisor" of a section of land. Apparently the boulder on the creek bank in front of the Farmhouse belongs to the government, and the man and woman are talking about becoming supervisors of this boulder.

    As soon as I have the opportunity, I begin talking in private with the forest ranger and I ask her about this program. She says that an auction would take place to obtain the supervisory position over the boulder. She says that the lowest bid would be $5. I immediately decide that I want to take part in the auction. The man and the woman hear me talking with the ranger and I can tell that they're upset because they're the ones who came up with the idea, and now I'm taking over. It turns out that they live only a few kilometers away from the Farm. I point out that I live in this Farmhouse right in front of this boulder. I therefore have a greater claim on obtaining the permit than they.

    Meanwhile, the ranger has been checking on the price. She now says that the lowest bid will be $250. I think to myself that even if I have to bid up to $1,000, I would still want the permit. I want to be the one who is responsible for this boulder.

    Dream Commentary

    It is striking how people who write dreams on the Dream Journal web site practically never advocate for anything in their dreams. Religious, political and social issues rarely arise, at least as far as I have seen. By way of illustration, when I do a title-search for the word "Republican" on the Dream Journal web site, I come up with 5 results, and a search of the word "Democrat", I come up with 4 results. The word "movie", on the other hand, gives me 555 results. Those results reinforce my observation.

    I think the word I'm looking for is "compassion". I rarely see it in the dreams I read. What I do see is an extreme amount of self-absorption. I am particularly aware of this in the relations of dream-writers to animals. Rather than protecting animals, many dream-writers are far more concentrated on how good the animals taste. For them, as they stuff themselves with meat, an advocate of animal rights is simply a target of their compassionless mockery.

    Just as I did not want the encroaching man and woman in this dream sitting in my front yard, so do I feel about self-absorbed dream-writers who have no compassion for animals. This is the message I receive from fish and otters and beavers and monkeys in my dreams, and I hope they will continue to talk to me with the compassion I need to free me from my own self-absorption.

    Updated 01-15-2014 at 12:52 AM by vogelein


    Making Up Stories

    by vogelein on 01-13-2014 at 08:46 PM
    Dream of: 11 January 2014 "Making Up Stories"

    surrounded by lies, preach the truth

    My father is giving a party at the Gay Street House (a stately Victorian house in Portsmouth, Ohio in which my father lived from 1964 to 1997). About twenty people are present in the large living room (the floor plan is somewhat different from normal). One bottle of liquor is sitting on a table, but no one seems to be drinking. That seems strange because I think most people would have come to the party because liquor would be abundant. Its almost six o'clock and I have the feeling that at six o'clock the liquor bottles will be brought out. I'm thinking that many more people will show up because they know that they'll be able to drink as much as they want. This seems like the kind of party that my old friend Mark Tindal (1952-2013) would attend.

    I recall that I used to go to parties like this when I was younger. I would go to several parties in the same night, one after the other. Now, however, most people who come to this party will simply stay here all evening and eat and drink as much as they want. This should be a good party.

    My father (around 50 years old) is standing over in one corner. He has short black hair and I can hear him talking about his life when he was in the Marines. I recall that someone had told me that my father had been telling people that he had served in the Marines. His story-telling chatter seems quite odd because I know that he was never in the Marines. I wonder if he has wanted to be in the military all his life and if he is now simply making up stories as a way of fulfilling that desire.

    The room finally starts filling up with people until probably a hundred people are present. It looks as if its time for the party to start. I notice that my sister (around 30 years old) has arrived. I walk over to her to speak with her. I know that she also is aware that my father was never in the Marines. She says that she has heard the story and that she was the one who in fact told me that my father had been propagating this story.

    I'm just simply astounded that he is claiming to have been in the Marines. I catch his eye a couple times as he's telling the story, but he quickly glances away.

    A few minutes before six o'clock, my father puts on a long black robe which falls to his ankles. The robe resembles ones he used to wear as a preacher when he was a young man. Apparently he's going to give a little sermon at six o'clock. This reminds me of how he was when he used to be a preacher.

    Everyone is sitting around the perimeter of the room on what look like bleachers. One man who is apparently a singer stands up and someone asks him to start out a song. Walking around the middle of the room, he begins pointing at different people and sings out, "Praise father! Praise mother!"

    I think of other phrases which might be sung, such as, "Praise the womb!"

    As the man walks around the room, other people begin singing along with him. The party is starting to kick off.

    Dream Commentary

    Publishing dreams on the internet is an event which may radically affect one's own dreams.

    Paradoxically, the dream-writers whose dreams I read on the Dream Journal web site seem disinclined to acknowledge this truth. I see little inclination of other dream-writers (slogging through their personal histories) to look for the effects of dream-publishing in the dreams, although when I read these published dreams - especially of regular dream-writers - I see what appears to me to be clear evidence of the internet-dream-publishing seeping into their dreams.

    For myself, I look at all groups of people in my current dreams as potential metaphors for the group of dream-writers whom I've encountered on the internet. The idea that we're all at a party has occurred several times. I can imagine many other metaphors: a choir of singers, a team on a space ship, passengers on a cruise ship, students in a class, lodgers at a hotel, a masquerade ball, a banquet, a séance, etc. One of the best dreams I saw on the Dream Journal featured a group of kids who had telekinetic powers which enabled them to hack certain types of computer technology and who entered a group dream together in order to perform their hacking. Yet I'm not sure that that particular dream-writer had any concept that her dream might have been influenced by her dream-publishing.

    I look at the people at the party in this dream as other dream-writers and dream-readers. I guess I just want to party.

    On the flip side of seeing dream-writers in my dreams, another sort of party game which I play is putting myself in other people's dreams when I read them. If I think this person has been reading my dreams, and if someone in the dream reminds me of myself, I imagine that I am that person in the dream. If people are reading my dreams, I suspect that they are dreaming about me, whether they can see it or not.

    And guess what - its usually fascinating and fun to imagine yourself in other people's dreams.

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    Updated 01-13-2014 at 10:55 PM by vogelein
