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    About WaffleWes
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    I'm just a 19 year-old from Colorado. I'm a christian, and I like nerdy stuff like D&D and Video Games.
    I haven't had too many lucid dreams, nor have I had too many non nightmare dreams. I can count both on one hand.
    Most of my dreams are violent/ Death or apocalypse related.
    I joined to share my dreams and see what you guys on here have to say about them. Beats just being afraid of going back to sleep anyway.
    Thanks for reading.
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    D&D, Video Games, Card Collecting
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    View WaffleWes's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    The Stars Align.

    by WaffleWes on 08-21-2017 at 03:40 PM
    It's been a while but i have another dream to share.

    Me and my family are outside, Christmas eve. My parents just returned from last minute shopping for my little brother's presents. I notice a Bionicle laying on the porch next to one of the bags. My parents are looking directlyup and I follow their gaze skyward. The night sky is a very deep dark red. Like cherry dr pepper. The moon is huge. Covering about 60% of the sky. As i stare i see the small dots of Venus and mars wizing through the sky eventually ending up behind the moon. I remember hearing "The stars align." from my dad.

    The next thing I know these green orbs about the size of a car, descend from the sky they have even larger ornate golden rings around them. We are filled with fear and all scramble around the porch, not quite sure what to do. I scream at it, "demon". I hear similar accusations and questions from behind me. Only my dad seems able to hear it. "Now thats a good question?" he seems to parrot. The orb floats about ten ft higher in the air. And seems to ring itself out like a mop, similar smaller orbs, about the size of nickles rain from it like a water fall. and approach us like a torrent. We panic, and my little brother emerges from the house to see what is the matter. An orb flys into his mouth. And green eyes replace his normally blue ones. A smile stretches across his face.
    I scream and drag him inside. I punch him, not knowing at all what to do, demanding it to get out of him. eventually after physical abuse does nothing, not even leaving a bruise on his possessed form. I drop to my knees and beg for the lord's intervention, pleading for his help in riding my brother of this possession. Each prayer that goes unanswered is met with a new, more frantic one. By the end i'm crying and begging.

    And I wake up. It disturbed me greatly so I figured I'd put it ōn my dream Journal. thanks for reading.

    A strange and War torn Dream

    by WaffleWes on 04-13-2017 at 07:48 AM
    It begins with me climbing over a short barbed wire fence. Within the fence is a single Sheep, And in a near by similar fenced in location is a Hog. The ground is Cracked, and grayish tan. Behind me it slopes up and disappears into the sky, as if we are on the side of a step, dead hill. There is no food nor water any where for the animals. Above the sky is a dingy, almost sickly green.
    The sheep is scared, and burnt along it's right side. The wounds are fresh, and barely scabbed over. However the sheep is very large, and aggressive. A voice from behind me lets me know it will not let me treat it, I am not it's Sheppard. But I need it. I need it's meat, milk, and wool. else I will die.
    As I approach is charges at me, and I refuse to move. It changes direction and almost collides with the barbed wire. I remove my self from the pen. I can't have it hurting it'self more. It has suffered enough.
    The voice then leads me away from the pens, we travel down the slope, along a dusty trail. Eventually a river comes into view. However as we continue down it smoke fills the air. The world grows darker and darker until we reach the river and we can't see more that 100ft in front of our faces. The river is also lined with 12 ft tall wooden posts from which barbed wire is strung hap haphazardly. Similar to the pens we had left.
    The voice passes to in-front of me. He is a general from the war that caused this, he is my friend. He explains that this fence was made to keep the enemy from crossing over the river. He opens a large gate, and leads me to the side of the river. The river is a sickly brown- green, like the water is dead.
    Destroyed and sunken ships lie just beneath the surface. Directly in front of me is an old weathered pier, with a matching wooden overhang for rain. The front posts are gone, and a half sunken ship lies there holding it up. My friend points to a still intact ship across the river. He says there are leads and food for the animals on it.
    When I turn my head for a second, he leaves to attempt to walk across the ships like stepping stones. I turn back to see him and he has disappeared from sight And I know he has drowned. Rain begins to fall and I try to cross the river my self. I make it to the first ship that has holds up the pier. I step on it and the ship gives way. I can hear the voices of my family scream as both I, the ship, and the pier fall into the dead river. I try desperately to swim upwards, and I almost breech the surface, before I wake up.
    I'm no stranger to messed up dreams, I've even had apocalyptic dreams but it's the first time I've had one this messed up. Just felt like sharing it.