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    Electric Bolt/Destroyed Town/Village

    by Warchief2048 on 01-06-2011 at 06:46 AM
    So i tried the task of the month-"stand next to a thunderstorm and get hit wth an electric bolt" i dont know if i did it right because i created my own thunderstorm, i was standing on the side of a mountain with my hands raised looking towards the sky,as i began to make the clouds twirl and the wind gust,the whole sky became a green blue grey mess of clouds and down below i could see a small town(the 2nd task at hand) so i beagan o make the electricity crack across the sky and light up the heavens,it was so loud and scary but i didnt feel vulnerable at all,as i stood there watching the rain poor more and more this big flood came from the otherside of the mountain and washed out the little town. everything was pretty much all gone but i had no control of the water,so i'm sorry to the villagers/town people who lived there. any way as soon as i seen the town being flooded i felt this electric vibe all around me,kinda like when i begin to charge my hands to shoot electricity, i just didnt try and control it and then BAM!! i got hit with a jolt of lightning and this happened 3 times,everytime i was hit with the bolt of lightning my vision would go to black and white instead of our normal colors,it waas so cool,i didnt know i could do that,i never dream in black and white. and when i began to wake up i would calm my excitement down and then i could stabilize the storm. the weird thing to me was the B/W color and the fact that everytime i would almost wake up i could feel my left middle finger burning and then when i was fully awake my finger felt like it was on fire for about 10 minutes after waking. so i didnt get to trample the town but i did flood it out,guess i will try and trample the town tonight. thanks for the suggestions. i've been a giant before but i've never tried being ten times my size,sounds like fun. so sleep well and stay awake in your dreams. Talk to you tomorrow to let you know how it went.
    task of the month

    take over

    by Warchief2048 on 01-04-2011 at 01:18 PM
    i've been having this dream too,but i'm here in my own city of san francisco, i'm looking at the bay bridge and then i hear this growling shouting screaming dying twisted metal demonic plane crashing Growl,as i loo at the bridge this big demon like thing about 1000ft tall has his big ass hammer thats crashing down on the bridge and when you think the bridge should be crushed,the hammer is turned into a big swastika just floating in the air,the whole thing looks as if i'm watching some old world war 2 footage and then i see the building crumbling all around us and i'm watching all the debris flying towards the building i am standing in waiting for my building to collapse and blow away and kill me and my mother and we say at the same time to eachother ,it's time then all of a sudden these germans are just there rounding everyone up and then they hand me a gun and tell me to get busy,so i guess i'm white in this dream to everyone,so i start to shoot the germans and kill them and then help the innocent people to safety and then i get shot in the face and chest,i can feel the bullets hit me but they dont penetrate,so begin to shoot all the bad guys in their faces and hearts and they are all dying off,then everyone turns on me,even the ones i was helping because they were scared because they just saw me get shot and i didnt die, then i fall off the building and wake up into another dream,this happens 5 times and finally the 6th time i wake up it is this reality,weird visions. this dream reoccured 5 times until i awoke with slight differences in them ,also i've been going to jail alot in my dreamsbut i always escape from the jails and sneak back in jail in time for count in the morning,i havent been to jal in 11yrs. kinda scary to have these