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    About Whattheboy

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    About Whattheboy
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    Boy who is interested in Lucid Dreaming,I had my first Lucid dream when I was 6.
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    New York
    Science, Science fiction, Xbox, MythBusters Xbox Live, Bacon, Art, Science, My Little Pony
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    Googled "How to enter Sleep paralysis"


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    Recent Entries

    12/22/13- Oddly remembering my dreams

    by Whattheboy on 12-23-2013 at 12:29 AM
    I've had a period of not remembering my dreams shortly after my latest posted one, but, after that period ended, I began to experience dreams that I could remember every other day until a week ago. The odd thing about them is that I couldn't remember them until 10-25 minutes AFTER having them, BUT I did remember having A dream.
    side notes

    10/27/13- "The Chase" (3rd Lucid Dream)

    by Whattheboy on 10-29-2013 at 12:39 AM
    BG Info:When I say "lucid" in my dream, I meant "to have control of my dream". Blue, bold text symbolizes the part of my dream that I was lucid, green symbolizes weak-lucidity, and normal text symbolizes normal dreaming.
    Dream Start-
    I started off in the Cafe (A, located in the "C" building) in my high school building. I attempted to sit at a table of mostly girls, one being Taylor, a student in my Spanish class. There appeared to be no more seats available, as Taylor had been sitting in a chair, as opposed to the booth, so I decided to grab a chair and sit on the left of Taylor, which had little room. She then told me to move to her right instead, and I did. I sat back in my seat, and immediately was teleported to the "A" building of the school, and I trying not to be late for my history class. I ran outside through one of the side exits, to what seemed as a fire drill inprogress. I then began to run to the
    "C" building. Once I reached a side entrance, some students said to me, "You're going to be late." Upon hearing their statements, I became worried. I teleported in front of the school (in a parking lot with two restaurants; Applebee's being one). I began to remember my danger of being late to my history class, and I hear my history teacher's voice, seemingly coming from the Applebee's. I ran into the restaurant, dodging through the normal obstacles, and my teacher's voice became louder. I made my way out, after reaching the center, and teleported inside the school bus I usually ride. I was sitting towards the back, which was unusual. I heard two girls conversating about Taylor, but I can't remember what it was about. I looked at the girl in front of me, who was Michelle (girl I used to like), and I jokingly said to her "Nooo, I will [save?] you, Taylor!" They began laughing, and I sat back and "knew" they had disappeared. I stood up, and realized that I was dreaming, and I said, pointing to a window a few seats away from me, "This is a dream! See; watch!" I then thought to myself "I should become lucid." And I started to envision the window and frame cracking. It did nothing. I then looked outside, to my right, and imagined the street/asphalt lifting and cracking, but to no avail. I said to myself, "If this is not a dream, how did I get here?" I couldn't remember, and gave up. I saw and heard Brandon (a student; senior) talking with someone about movies, which he had with him (DVDs). As the bus turned a corner, Jovanni (my friend) came into view behind us, and I heard him say, in funny voice, "....the bus, yoooooou..." I laughed, and teleported to a store, in front of candy. I seemed to be looking for chocolate, M&M-looking candy. I squatted and found an unlabeled bag of it, and squeezed one of the candies, and said to myself "Not the right one." I stood up and looked at an employe, who was wearing a blues shirt and black pants. I then teleported to another part of the store, and found more candy.
    Dream End.
    lucid , memorable , dream fragment

    June Entries (Pictures of my DJ Entries (Sloppy handwriting))

    by Whattheboy on 06-27-2013 at 11:22 PM
    Front Back
    Front Back Diagram
    Front Back (Do not mind the weird diagram below, it is for my next dream.)
    Front Back #1 Back #2
    Front Back #1 Back #2 Back #3
    Front Back

    5/24/13- "At a Camp"

    by Whattheboy on 05-25-2013 at 01:07 AM
    BG INFO: This is a diagram, that I drew in the morning (so my sight and handwriting wasn't the best) in my dream journal, of the structure I was lead into: also, this dream felt like a game to me.
    Dream Start:
    I started off on a road, a dirt road. I was with several others, mostly girls, whom I recognized, but I could barely see their faces. We were being escorted by two or three soldiers, whom were Nazis. They looked different; darker clothes, and all of the soldiers seemed to have the same face. We were being escorted to a brown, dirty-looking building (seen in the diagram above), which had a large wall surrounding the perimeter. I was surprisingly very calm. It was also daylight outside. I knew now where they were taking us; to a concentration camp. But I did not react to the idea of being sent there; I simply kept walking. We headed up the stairs, where there were two more soldiers, and stood there while they began to send some other people inside the building. I stood/crouched low at the bottom of the stairs, when I heard a female voice,"Stay down there; they won't find you." I questioned the voice, but I continued to stay where I was, when the same voice began, the voice had a calming tone to it,"Watch out; there are soldiers over there." I ignored the voice, and stood up, facing the road. I then heard a semi-familiar male voice (Inglorious Basterds),"There, the American lines are over there." Suddenly, a group of six armored soldiers-when I say armored, I mean like a dinosaur/Iron Man/Naruto-type, brick red armor and were about six to eight feet tall-walked in front of the entrance to the camp. The female voice began,"Watch out; the soldiers spotted you!" Suddenly, a barely visible menu on the left side of my vision popped up, and suggested me to select a armor. I did so (black and/or red, or something; I wasn't sure) , and jumped very high, but not before looking back, and seeing one of the girls I was with, leaning on the railing, with her arms and her head resting on it (she was facing the road, as shown in the diagram). As I was falling back down on the roof, I saw a soldier jump onto the roof, but not nearly as high as I did. I moved myself towards him, and took out a huge sword, and hit him with it. I jumped to the other soldiers, whom were farther away from the building and I noticed that I had back up; one of the girls (might have been the one leaning on the rail, but she was not at view at this point) had cyan armor on, and I felt like she smiled, somehow, under that armor. We began to fight the soldiers with our huge swords and we eventually killed them all.
    Dream END.

    Updated 05-25-2013 at 01:09 AM by Whattheboy (Missed a a color)

    non-lucid , memorable

    5/16/13- Alien?

    by Whattheboy on 05-16-2013 at 11:03 PM
    I remember being in my old apartment, walking around and attempting to communicate with someone(my dad and/or my mom). I began to hear a passage from the show Ancient Aliens. The passage was not clear, but my 'Dream Self' seem to understand what the passage was explaining (I know the passage was from the show because I heard the theme song in the 'background' of my dream, and my 'dream self' seem to recognize it from the show). I was thinking to myself (NOT my dream self (I felt as if I was consciously viewing my dream at this moment; like I had two minds within my subconscious mind)) 'why am I hearing this?' and 'why do I seem to expect this?' Suddenly, I began to [kind of] clearly understand what the narrator was saying; "...This_____ some sort of new [civilization, species, OR being]..." After hearing the narrator, the passage stopped being played and I then saw a image of a unusual being and appeared to be made in the 17th-18th centuries. This being was very vivid and I remembered it clearly when I woke up.