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    My Life's A Dream?

    by WickedNDark on 01-28-2011 at 09:03 AM
    This may seem strange, but I remember one dream from when I was 5. I don't remember much from that year, but this is one that really made me question my life. Still does some days when I think back on it.

    This dream was strange as I was watching myself being born. I'm sure there's more to this story, but I remember literally watching myself come out of my mother. When I awoke, I coudln't remember anything before that dream. It's like my whole life rebooted. Well, I could have watched my sister being born, since she came pretty soon afterwards, but not being able to remember anything before that night is strange. If anyone has a thought as to why that is I'm all ears.
    dream fragment

    First Ever Nightmare: Zombie Apocalypse

    by WickedNDark on 01-28-2011 at 08:57 AM
    This was actually some years ago, but because it had actually scared me into waking I never really forgot it. I haven't had a nightmare before the incident or since.

    I was in a city, I couldn't tell which one. It was just full of sky scrapers and destroyed streets with several abandoned cars everywhere. I was alone, as far as I knew, with a shot gun and an assault rifle. I don't remember what had set off the hoard of zombies (this was way before left for dead and sometime after the first resident evil movie came out, but I have been exposed to zombies before, so I'm not sure where this originally came from.), but soon, they were seemingly coming out of no where. As more and more surrounded me, I started backing up into a building. I ran out of Assault Ammo pretty quickly, but I don't remember any of them going down. (I'm a great shot in video games, so this really freaked me out) As they got closer, I used my shot gun, since I already knew that shot guns had a limited area in which they were useful.

    I ran out of shot gun shells just before they reached me. As the world narrowed into their hands and bodies coming over me, I awoke with a start.

    Rolled over and went back to sleep.

    Ok, so when I'm tired, and get awoken by something, I open my eyes once to see what had awoken me. If it's nothing I consider life threatening I roll over and go back to sleep. I never got back into a deep sleep that night, but it was enough for me to remember.