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    My Most Realistic Lucid Ever

    by Wolf_Demon15 on 08-13-2011 at 12:53 AM
    So I finally decided to start an online dream journal. I will most likely only post lucids and memorable dreams. I know there are several grammatical and wording errors. I tend to type/write a certain way even though it might be wrong.

    Warning: Kind of long

    Lucid Dream
    Lucidity/Clarity: Very realistic
    Notes: WBTB

    I woke up still feeling sleepy this morning. Instead of going back to sleep, I went to talk with my sister for awhile. We talked about dreams for about 15 minutes. I went back to bed.

    I fell asleep after about an hour. I realized that a dream was starting so I made to sure pay enough attention so I knew I was dreaming but not enough to wake myself. After a few moments, I realize that I am sitting in a classroom. I can hear students talking and the teacher calling roll. I was afraid to move because I was able to feel my body still in bed but I was also able to feel my dream body. I waited awhile longer for the dream to stabilize. I moved my dream arm to see if it was safe to continue.

    Suddenly the dream hit me at full force. Everything felt incredibly real. It almost felt realer than real life if that makes any sense. I looked around the classroom, felt my desk, and listened to my surroundings. This really helped stabilize the dream. I had no fear of waking now.

    The teacher was still calling roll. The dream characters was also very realistic. They all had their own individual conversations. I had no interest in listening. I decided that I would leave the classroom. I almost reconsidered and had to remind myself that I was dreaming and I didn't have to stay. I made my way to the door. "Where are you going?," the teacher asked. I told him that I was leaving. I was laughing to myself because I would never do such a thing in real life. He want to know my name to put on the roll but I ignored him.

    The hallway was full of teenagers. Some were talking with friends or going through there lockers. I didn't know what I wanted to do in this dream. I decided to summon a creature. I imagined an alligator like thing. It was able to stand upright and talk for some reason. The creature grabbed me and tried to eat me. In fear of losing control, I let him do it. I was about halfway into his mouth when I decided to do reality checks. I observed my surroundings again. The air was hot, moist and smelled like stomach acid. The smell was so strong I had to keep myself from gagging. I remembered that throwing up wasn't necessary so I stopped feeling nauseous. The walls the creature's throat was very smooth, warm and a little slimy. Despite being halfway into the throat, I was able to see its stomach. The stomach acid smelled really bad and had a neon green color. I knew being closer to liquid would probably increase the smell so I decided to crawl out of the creature's mouth. I felt a little strange because of the dream characters staring. Usually dream characters disappear when I don't think about them but these characters never left. I felt a little better when I saw the creature gagging in the corner.

    I exited the school. I didn't remember walking out of it. I was worried that I would wake up soon so I did reality checks again.(Note: I find the nose RC to be very useful and reliable.You don't have to use your hands to do it and you can do it at any time.) I also took this time to observe my surroundings and re-anchor myself to increase stability. Again, I was astounded by how realistic everything was. I was able to feel the slight breeze and coldness of the air. It was late afternoon and the sky had a dark purple to blue gradient. There was a neighborhood outside the school. Most of the houses had two stories and had similar styles which reminded me of a neighborhood in a dream I had several years ago. There were many trees. Each house probably had a tree or two in the yard. There were people walking around. They all wore costumes and walked house to house. I had a feeling that it was Halloween. I also felt that it wasn't Halloween but something very similar to it.

    I walked into the middle of the street. "Let's show them my "costume"," I thought to myself. For some reason, I found the thought to be funny so I laughed a little. I did the usual thing I do when I transform. I threw myself toward the ground to stand on all fours while imagining my usual wolf form. I think it looks similar to the Mexican wolf or a wolf with brownish black fur with light brown splotches in some area.(I'm not really sure about this.) The nearby dream characters began to screamed and run away. I started laughing and felt empowered. I felt proud that they were afraid of me. I usually would attack and kill for fun but the sound of their screams and expressions made me feel a bit guilty. I saw one of the characters pointing toward the sky. I then realized that they weren't afraid of me but of the large meteor hurling toward the neighborhood.

    Now somewhat afraid, I returned to my human form and ran to look for cover. I had somewhat forgotten that I was able to stop this but I doubted myself. While running, a boy, around seven or eight years old, started to run with me. He had brown/blonde hair and blue eyes. He was also looking for a place to hide. We ran into the backyard of a house. There was something like a storage area. It had a roof but no walls. We sat underneath it for a few minutes. I was still able to hear people screaming in the distance. I waited for the impact but it never happened. I was confused so I just decided that it wasn't that big and wouldn't effect my current area.

    I went to explore some more. The boy followed me. I wondered if I should speak to him but I knew that this dream was long enough. I would most likely forgot most of it. While I was deciding if I should wake myself up so I can write in my private journal, I watched the sky. The sky was the same color as before but there were small orange streaks that would occasionally fly across the sky. I stopped walking when I reached another street. There was a house or two and an overpass. There was a city in the distance.

    Suddenly, a larger meteor appeared. People began to panic again. I felt confident that I would be able to stop it. I wanted to save the city and the dream characters. I remembered Kamehameha move from Dragon Ball Z. As I got into position, I realized that the meteor was moving very fast and would hit the city if I took too long. Instead of yelling out the entire name, I yelled "-hameha" and thrusted my palms into the direction of the meteor. Nothing happened. I was a bit disappointed until I saw a small blue flash on the meteor. The meteor exploded into dust with a very loud crack. The people around me cheered and thanked me.

    I suddenly got tunnel vision and lost feeling of my dream body. I knew I was probably waking up and remembered to stay still. Once everything turned black, I imagined a new scene so I can continue.

    I managed to enter a new dream without losing any clarity. I didn't get to do anything eventful because I woke up about thirty seconds later.

    Sorry about the really long post. This dream was the most realistic dream I have ever had. I felt that summarizing it would make it less fun to read. If anyone actually reads dream journals.
    lucid , memorable