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    Conversation Between Wolfwood and Alyzarin

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    1. (continued)

      I used to love stimulants, but then I overdid everything and started getting anxiety, and even though I'm starting to be able to use things without panic attacks again I think that'll probably only apply to the safe drugs.... The stimulation and things like increased heart rate and vasoconstriction will still surely freak me out.

      Wow, sounds like you had quite a party. I prefer sticking to one thing, myself. Though I'm supposed to be quitting now....
    2. I don't think it tells me when I have new visitor messages from you. I just noticed those last two, and it happened before....

      Anyway, yeah, methoxetamine is a ketamine analogue. So is 4-MeO-PCP, in a manner of speaking. From what I hear from reports and what my friends who've used it have said, methoxetamine is basically ketamine but with a lot more speedy delirium per level of dissociation, and 4-MeO-PCP is the opposite. And they also both last a lot longer, at least a few hours. One of my close friends tried MXE for the first time not too long ago and I didn't get to see him during it but he said it was like floating on a cloud, and then I convinced him to snort some 2C-I during it. He also tried 4-MeO-PCP not long ago, and I was there for that. He was soooo out of it. He looked like he was on the verge of falling into a hole for most of it.
    3. Wow, I pretty much passed out after that message lol. Yeah, I'm not particularly interested in stimulants either......they seem a little boring really. But seeing as it's free, I'll give it a try - I just hope it ain't like downing 5 cups of coffee. Maybe I'll be able to tackle the more dense philosophy books on it.

      Methoxetamine looks interesting, like an analog of Ketamine. Better? I drank everything - jager, agwa, red/white/rose wine, beer, cider, vodka, gin, and some stuff I just drank without looking. Surprised I wasn't paralytic.
    4. Hahaha, good luck with that. No more research chemicals for me, those days are over. XD Not that it's not tempting.... Right now I can easily get a few different 2C's (definitely 2C-I and 2C-T-2) and methoxetamine and 4-MeO-PCP. Not sure about stimulants... but I never cared much about RC stimulants.

      What're you drinking? :3
    5. Even on a ridiculous amount of alcohol I can function, but see shit. Man this ain't right.
    6. Yeah bloody 'ell, it felt like that too. I was having proper negative moments on it....too difficult to stay rational. At the time, girl lay on my chest, on it too - she felt fine. Her weight on me felt like a ton of bricks, jesus. Trying some new chemical on Wednesday......a research chemical, can't remember name. It's some sort of euphoric stimulant, know that much. Wish me luck! LoL, jokes. Hope it's decent. The world is spinning right now, and I like it.
    7. Hahaha, you mean the smoking blends like Spice and K2? Yeah, you should definitely stay far away from that stuff. Those synthetic cannabinoids are more potent by weight than THC and have stronger effects. THC only partially activates cannabinoid receptors, but those things fully activate them. They become really hallucinogenic if you smoke enough and give even the sturdiest of stoners intense panic attacks. We had some in pure chemical form for a while once and were smoking it in huge doses, I called it the psychedelic weed crack. Dump some on top of a bowl and take a rip, and then rip away from reality....
    8. Haha, I know right. The only time I had a sitter, was a 'spontaneous sitter', and he thought it'd be good for my well-being if he shoved on some bloody horror film, with dirty minor key music throughout. The bastard.

      I had similar dodgy effects from those 'spliffs' that contain all sorts of random herbs or whatever. First, lucid sight and hearing, second an effect in mouth like from lemon juice, then dry mouth, then doom and gloom when my chest felt heavy. These things trying to stop me from having fun, I think. ;p
    9. I don't know if these brownies would be healthy on your psyche if smoking weed hits you that hard. If you do it you better have a trip sitter. Delirium gets pretty intense!
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