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    What lays inside AJ's Pink Dream Journal

    by xAJx on 03-31-2012 at 12:24 AM
    This is my dream journal. I'm gonna write ones since I've started keeping a DJ, then I will keep adding as days pass.


    March 26, 2012

    1. I am in the middle school as I am near a bathroom and I just sit there for hours and I dont know why. I am basically 'ditching' class. It felt like forever.
    Then I justjoin into some room where everyone is having a somewhat assembly and I go to some festival in the front of my school. When I come back my friend
    says she told a secret and following that she started to cry. I went to science class and I was told a story about this dog called something Pa Shouj or something. The seating was very different than usual and there were new additions to the class. ( Little kids were in our class for some odd reason. ) The teacher questioned me on the story and I knew the answers but I said them wrong anyways, but I
    wasn't even able to control what I said. I said that the person was a cat, but it really was a dog.

    2. People were trying to catch Eminem in my dream and he was in a wheelchair and I slept inthis kind of house that you would build in Minecraft
    that just has dirt and bricks and it was kind of a stimulation of real life and minecraft. They succesffuly
    caught Eminem outside this building with a long staircase. I've seen it in Law and Order before, but in my dream it resembled some gas station. It was outside a courthouse I think, and the outside look had stairs but I interpreted it as a gas station. Kind of this place... http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://farm4.s taticflickr.com/3276/2873111875_73a4b0d51a_z.jpg&imgr efurl=http://www.flickr.com/photos/wilsonjs/287311187 5/&usg=__-YgBI6qYsBiH9P1uX97YT3KXfn0=&h=480&w=640&sz= 172&hl=en&start=9&zoom=1&tbnid=fi10Pb5Mc8HGnM:&tbn h=1 03&tbnw=137&ei=1pVwT5msCMPPiAKe2NH8BA&prev=/images%3F q%3Dlaw%2Band%2Border%2Bcourthouse%2Bsteps%26hl%3D en% 26safe%3Dactive%26ie%3DUTF-8%26tbm%3Disch&itbs=1

    I think my dream recall is improving. I have one more dream.

    3. I was at school again, and it was merged with some airport place, like outside an airport, and we were all dressed up and we talked about how the year passed so quickly. Then, I just teleported into my own house and it was still dusk and I was talking with a friend who actually was my friend/sister merged? She then said that she needs to rub my back so she started to massage my back with her foot. I then woke up.


    March 27, 2012

    1. There are a lot of different scenes in this dream. I'll try and make it as clear as possible.
    I am at school/my house merged, and this seems like a continuation of my last dream that I was not in class. School was not in session, but I was in this assembly like place that is in my middle school and a lot of girls were not focusing and they were dancing around so my supervisor told them that they were being bad and she left. Those girls also disappeared from the dream. From here on, it seems more to be like my house-- We have some talent show inside that assembly area which actually feels like my house, and apparently I sing a song by Karmin - BrokenHearted with a friend, and I have Karmin's voice so don't ask how I got that... Then there were some more performances and then I was sitting in my house hallway having a Kumbaya type thing with all our friends just sitting in a circle singing and my DR fades from here. I'm pretty after this I woke up. There was another scene to this dream but I cannot recall it. I know in my head, but I can't write it down, it doesn't make sense in words.


    March 28, 2012

    My cousin is with me in my backyard at night and I'm pretty sure my mom is in the dream too, but I forgot her role.
    Anyways, I go into my kitchen and there is this sort of contest to throw luggage onto this towel on the floor
    for money. So I'm alone in the kitchen doing it and some professional guy is in another room. I had no supervisor
    in my room so I just put the luggage on the towel. Then I teleported to a part of the dream where I was merged
    with a building which is a hangout spot for my class and a classroom. In the classroom, I had no teacher and the classroom
    was like made of mushrooms, so I just decided to do my work with friends. My Algebra teacher then came and said "Oops, I
    forgot all my work at home!" Then, in the other place that I was merged with, it seems as if I was at an airport
    seeing all my friends and they were just walking down the hallway, and I was dragging a suitcase.

    Looking back at the dream, it makes a ton of sense with the luggage due to the fact that I just came back from
    the airport yesterday, and I'm still jet lagged so i t's been on my mind. I was staying with my cousin when I was
    on vacation, and the last person I saw before I went to bed was my mom. The other day when I was in the airport
    I was wishing all my friends were with me, but I was also afraid to go to school because my algebra make-up work
    was hard and the teacher might get mad at me. So this all connects into the dream as one! I've also been trying
    to win a lot of contests lately, so the contest connects because on the air plane someone told us that if we
    want to dry our dog without getting him matted don't use a towel, use a hair dryer. Cool connections.

    Failed RC and FA

    March 29, 2012

    Alrighty, I attempted WBTB and MILD last night. Since my fear after trying to fall back asleep, it wasn't so effective, I never had a LD but I had MADLY LONG and VIVID dreams. Great DR!

    1. There was this person who got caught and his name was called Connor or something, by the police. He resembled Kony or something like that. Or I think he resembled a con-artist? I'm not sure. In my dream I had a FA that I was in my room where I was about to do a RC but then I didn't get close enough to do it because I was rushed out and I got dressed to go see this guy. It was about 1 AM and I was wondering why I was up because I remember going to bed at 12 and I was about to become lucid but I didn't. We went to this basement/jail place and he wasn't even there but there were tons of people there with babies and my cousins were there with their babies and my aunt which was the mom of the cousins and they seemed to be having a fancy cocktail party, and the whole surroundings changed and I was very fishy so I was about to do another RC but I failed.

    2. I was merged with LA and NY and we were just walking in this building and we come out and saw a big building across the street and I made a comment about something that I was not aware and it wasn't bad but then my dad said "You be thankful for the soldiers and footmen of the US" then in one second I saw some smoke coming out of the top of the building and a bomb that is a typical bomb that cannot just nuke a whole building but it fell on the building fell like the incident of 9/11 and barely anyone saw it until they turned around and saw ruins and smoke and everyone started to run away an I wanted to also, but my family just stayed there across the street thinking what to do and we were standing next to this tall building so they just continued their everyday life. We went in there and we had to go up the staircase which was grey and very steep and we needed to get party favors for my cousin who actually wasn't having a party and my dog was suddenly with us which I didn't remember. They also had very odd shaped steps. When we reached the top I was the last to get there and beforehand I mentioned how unstable the stairs were and that I felt like they're falling and then at the top the stairs detached from the platform that was there with this vent we had to go in to get party stuff, and so when I fell backwards all the way downstairs there was another bomb but I flew up and somehow managed to survive it. Then I had some HO that my dad was in that building but I never saw it and he also fell down and we thought he died and my family was back on the streets so then we went out on the street and thought we saw him down the street but when we got there he wasn't but we found him in a parking lot and we were so happy. Then, behind a car a hand tried to grab me but I slapped it kinda like GTFOO and then it tried to get my mom 20 times but it failed so we just went away. We were originally supposed to go on an airplane before the whole incident of this building falling happened and we were in lots of airports. I then wake up.


    March 30, 2012

    Insomnia. I had a very short dream + snippets.

    I was at this outdoor place and one of my friends, S, supposedly have cancer just a few years ago so I was looking back at pictures of her and then I went back and forth to this other outdoor place and my parents took me back to the original one with my friends so it then started to rain so I went under this roof that was kind of like a tent and people were doing some activities there. I then teleported into my language class sitting in my normal seat, but I had a different teacher. I was making a city or at least in my dream you press buttons and some buildings disappear or reappear and it was a mini diagram. While I was looking at the city it almost felt like I was in it but it was small and I was just staring into it which was pretty rad. My DR fades from here.
    non-lucid , false awakening