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    About XDSmilezXD
    I've had a single series of dreams playing throughout my life some will repeat themselves if I can't remember certain parts. It's very odd and I can't find anything on the internet like this. It's like a television series playing in my subconscious mind while I sleep. Has anyone else experienced this? It's always been the same storyline but it progresses each night unless it's a rerun. It's been happening for as long as I can remember. It's very unsettling because I seem to be the only person I could find with this condition.
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    Church, Reading, Parkour, Writing, Spray Paint Art, Computer Art,
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    I did a Google search on a good dream discussion site and this one came up. Many comments on the subject referred this website.


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    by XDSmilezXD on 05-04-2011 at 10:45 PM
    For as long as I can remember I've had a series of dreams playing in my sleep. It's like a video game. It's like it's really me moving around. Somehow in these dreams I seem to have full control over my actions and my awareness level is the same as if I were awake, but I have no control over what the other people in my dreams do. If a tree falls in the dreams it wasn't like I had control over it. In this way it is like a video game. I've never heard of anything like this and it unsettles me.
    In the dreams I'm in a whole other place. Not in this...dimension, I suppose is the word. It's called Atheron. I'm a young, adventurous girl in the beginning. I love exploring the woods and hunting with my brothers. Most girls in the village are sewing and learning to cook and care for other children. I was hunting, adventuring, caring for the livestock on the farm, and other things as well but you get the point. My eldest sister was the one doing all of the womanly work. (I'm explaining all that I understand from the dreams. This is just part of the whole.) One day though my two brothers and I were huting in the mountains and I wandered off.
    The village was controlled by a man who called himself a king. He controlled other nearby towns and villages and had guards stationed in all of them. Just as luck would have it I ran into a group of guards. There were three of them. They saw me and smiled cruelly. One nudged the others and that one nudged the next one. I was scared of the king and his men and I ran. They chased me, but I knew the woods well from many previous dreams of uneventful life on Atheron and soon lost them. I took a long route back to where my brothers had set camp. I knew it was dangerous to do because it was getting dark, but I didn't want to run into guards again. Luckily I found my way back. My brothers asked what had kept me and I explained to them what had happened. They began to rant about how mad the king was and they ranted on the stupidity and brutishness of his men. I became bored of this and went to bed.