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    Night of March 23

    by Xop on 03-24-2011 at 03:10 PM
    Very Vivid (No control): Dream starts out with my best friend Austin. The building we're in looks very similar to a Pizza Factory my fiance works at. We seem to work or own this restaurant. At first we're talking in the back on the establishment. Not many customers. Just 3 children all by themselves. They didn't seem to pay, but I wasn't there for when they ordered. Austin said they did pay. There was a girl with Austin...possibly a girlfriend I don't know of. I remember we went to vote for something together and had to fill out a two page survey. It was pretty random seeming.

    Suddenly, I was with a friend Emma. There were several of us lounging on a mattress on the floor while watching a movie. At first, I couldn't see the movie. Evidently I dozed off. I seemed to be the only one awake at first. Then I see Emma is awake. Out of nowhere, the other two with us are gone, and we're watching a John Wayne movie that I've never seen IRL, but I recognized in the dream. I don't remember leaving, but suddenly I was "home".

    My "home" was drastically different. It seemed smaller, more compact. Me and my family are packing for a trip to Ukraine. I remember small details like asking who's looking after our dogs for a month. As I say it, my mom's friend Amanda seems to walk in out of nowhere. I ask for an itinerary, and we leave.

    No drive, just suddenly at an airport. Oddly enough, the airport is all in South Korean. I don't even know why I know that it was South Korean, but I do. They had an Italian ice cream stand mixed in with all the South Korean food being served at buffet like stalls. As we're heading towards the plane, we realize we're a little late. We start heading for the gate. Suddenly, I get distracted, and my family gets onboard without me, and I miss the plane. Somehow, I understand the Korean instructions over the PA saying "If you miss your flight, please become noticed by our staff." I run wildly around, and even manage to pry open a door with my bare hands trying to find my family. I finally make it back through an open doorway. As I go through, I see my first person since the terminal. It's a girl Erin that I have Programming Logic and Design with. I have never even talked to her. She was wearing green scrubs for some reason. I run past though some kind of resturant/bar and into the main terminal. I run past the Italian Ice cream to stand in line. As I'm there, I see an old friend Roger who I've been to Ukraine with. He seems calm, and he calms me down and offers to help. I sit down next to someone I seem to know while waiting in line. She's holding a baby, but I don't recognize (or maybe just don't remember) who she was.

    On hindsight, and after adding more remembered details in, I think the girl with the baby was Emma. She talked about someone's baby on Facebook last night before I went to bed. I'm pretty sure that's who it was now.

    For now, that's all I can remember. Sadly, I have to get to class now. But hopefully this detailed account will help me start getting used to this. :]