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      theres achievements here, for example, if you fully fill out your profile, you get "fully profiled" i think achievements give you points, ask an admin about it.
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      great, your on your way.
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    View XoxoBrokenoxoX's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    July 21

    by XoxoBrokenoxoX on 07-21-2011 at 06:08 PM
    I was in some old Chinese mansionthat seemed huge and old beyond belief. I walked in farther and farther into it even though I felt someone breathing down my neck and whispering in my ear the whole time. I eventually came to a room that looked like some kind of observatory. There was an old switch on the wall and so I turned it then the room started to move, the old wood and tile peeling away to reveal very murky water that surrounded the center of the room, leaving only a wood bridge of a path back to the switch and the door. Machines that were almost out of that time period (the inventor much have been very very smart, so much that it was unmatched by anyone else) began to move figures out of the water to surface. I recognized them as the Chinese plagues. I took one step too many and fell into the water and right in the pig fetus. I scrambled out of the water feeling violated and very sick suddenly and fled from that room. Again my instincts I pressed on farther and found some kind of shrine to a girl who was obviously dead by now. I started to take some of the items from it and put them in my bag to take a look at or donate to a museum or something. There was a drawer for each sin that I saw come out of the water and I took everything that I could from each drawer, leaving the items that made the mansion shake or something when I touched them. Then I ran out as fast as I could feeling as bad as I did and ran back to my house. I ran to my parents and they called the hospital, getting an ambulance to come for me. While waiting I took the last item that I found in the shrine out of the bag. It was some kind of machine with spindly parts that would unfold and fold up again to make strange patters in the air as it extended a few feet. I died in my dream and woke up as I was watching it...
    non-lucid , nightmare

    July 20

    by XoxoBrokenoxoX on 07-21-2011 at 04:22 AM
    I was in who'll again and it was time to leave so I went to walk out the doors and realized that I had forgotten something and went back to get it. While I was going to get it I saw one of my enamies and fought with them a little bit then walked off after spilling a little blood. I saw a girl wandering the halls and decided to follow her and see what she would do. I followed her all the way out of the school and out into some field. Where were random items scattered around the uncut grass. We met and talked and soon became friends but then night fell and some creatures came out and I hid from them while she pretty much was playing with them... Then I woke up as my phone rang...
    I fell back asleep again and in it I was visiting my grandma and while I was there I decided to play a board game but I didn't know that it would shoot off real fireworks at some points and one crashed through the roof as a few others followed behind, leaving a thick black cloud of smoke. I woke up as she started yelling and threatening to hurt me..

    July 19, 2010

    by XoxoBrokenoxoX on 07-19-2011 at 06:46 PM
    For the first night in a few days I didn't have more than one dream but it wasn't restful either...
    I was visiting my grandmother and took a bath in the guest bathroom then once I was dry and ready we wehtn and visited our property on the lake a few miles from there. I went down the hill that lead to the water and saw a beached dolphin. It looked more cartoonish than the ones I had seen before. I helped it back into the water then said it was magic and grant me a wish for helping it. I wished to have confidence in myself, something that I had never had before... I never had any esteem towards myself and always put myself down so when I recived it I felt MUCH better, for once I could say "I'm beautiful" and not immediately take it back. But then it continued and my brothers, sister, and dad and I were going to go fishing. It took a few tries to get in the boat in the right order for a family photo but we eventually got it and set out. When I got back my grandma told me that she had dropped my phone in the bathtub and killed it. I went and got a new one from my dad. Soon we went home and there was going to be a party at my school (I never would go to a party for real, I always end up sitting alone in the corner..) So my friends Annie, Ila, and Audrey went with me. We hung out and played games like black jack and soon it was time for the live band to preform. All my firends went and took their seats and I wantered off to my 7th grade favorite teacher, Mr. Golden's, room. There were pinball games and boardgames and things like that but on top of one was a cell phone (I would NOT do this for real), curious, I picked it up and looked through it. It had all the same things that I had on my phones, down to the texts I was recieving at that moment. I scrolled through the contacts and found my best friends composing a text to warn them. But as I was typing the letters turned into simbols and pictures that I didn't understand but I felt someone was approaching so I quickly hit the send button and began to wake up as it was half way sent..

    July 18

    by XoxoBrokenoxoX on 07-18-2011 at 09:13 PM
    Yet again I had more than one dream but both of them are very very small, I haven't been getting much sleep lately...
    Dream #1
    I was in high school and I was going to go on a field trip... I went and really nothing happened, just walked around. Once I got back I went to the library and looked through random books. Eventually I found one that looked like it had something in it so I opened it up and actually found a vibrating toy. This was the first time I had ever seen one up close, dream or not, and decided to take it and use it (realize I wouldn't ever EVER do such a thing), so I went into the supply closet in the school and woke up shortly after.
    Dream #2 I was some kind of warior in some kind of mystical land with another fierce warior that I was supposed to hunt down and kill. I set off after him, having little adventures along the way, until I cane to some kind of makeup stand. I stopped and took a look at some of the powders and accesories and wondered why it was almost nothing but eyeshadow and blending brushes. I asked "Do you have any black eyeliners?" and woke up juast after...

    July 16

    by XoxoBrokenoxoX on 07-17-2011 at 12:40 AM
    Again, I had more than just one dream... I don't know if it was because I woke up becuase I don't remember.
    Dream #1,
    I was still staying in my dad's girlfriend's partment when my house was being fumigated (her name is Liz) with my brother and sister but I don't remember seeing Liz herself. The first day of school was supposed to meet the next day and then it came, for some reason it was snowing (I'm in Texas...) so I dressed for the weather. When I came to the door I slipped and slid over some ice and almost crashed into the large glass doors. I stood up and opened it then found it was a chinese food resteraunt and not a school. I looked around and started asking questions then found that it was a school attatched to a resteraunt. I went out into the courtyard (located outside) and stood around watching the other teens talk and hang out. Eventually another bell rang and it was time to come inside but I slipped again and did crash into one of the glass doors. Then glass fell on me and cut deep into me and then I went home...
    Dream #2,
    I was staying in some kind of daycare for some reason, playing and watching the more little kids there. The daycare was much more like a house though, even with bedrooms and bathrooms with showers ect. Well I was walking by when I noticed a girl who looked rather beautiful so I started a conversation with her which eventually lead to the bedroom where we actually had sex... I woke up from my dream just as I was snuggling with her.