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    About xRikkyx

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    Date of Birth
    March 4
    About xRikkyx
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    That quiet dreamer who talks to herself in mirrors and is a little far too obsessed with things, that's me! I love Amazingphil and Danisnotonfire, as well as a good Oreo joined by a nice cup of milk c:
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    My imagination!
    Obsessing over Youtubers and Oreos, basically.
    How you found us:
    An awesome friend! c:


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    by xRikkyx on 09-18-2012 at 01:45 PM
    I was going down this big yellow slide in some sort of fun-house thingy...apparently in Las Vegas? Anyways, halfway down I noticed Tyler (short one) worked there and had to help the slide-ees off from hitting the graffiti platform. Since there were other workers taking turns helping people, my chances of getting Tyler to help me was about 1 in 4. Somehow the dream gods and slide gods were nice that time, and Tyler was the one who helped me. I kinda forgot to get off of my slide too late and nearly ran into the platform, but then he grabbed me. I walked to a little pillow over to where my other things were, and sat there, waiting to get a chance to talk to him. I mean, I hadn't seen him in nearly 2 years. Slightly stepping a few feet from the pillow to pick up a shoe I dropped, I turned around to see Tyler! Smiling, I hugged him. When the hug was finished he planted a kiss right on the corner of my lips. I was so freaking shocked, but I wasn't mad. I was overjoyed, really. Since his back was to the big pillow, I hug tackled him. woop.

    blah blah, something about sitting in a lunchroom across from him, farm animals? idek.
    but it was so vivid oh my goodness I woke up and was so confused


    by xRikkyx on 08-28-2012 at 03:27 PM
    Yay, dreams!

    Alright, so apparently I was swimming somewhere and needed to go back to the local Middle School for something. Something? I have no clue.
    Anyways, I didn't have any cover-ups or anything, and since I was alone, the house was locked. So I was forced to walk over to the middle school in a turquoise bikini (I've never worn a bikini in my life). Making a grand entrance half naked, it seemed as if the location changed. Like I was walking through the elementary school too. There were two offices, and of course I chose the one with the vicious principal in it. I still don't know why I had to go to the middle school in general. I simply walked back out of the school, and turns out the kids were being dissmissed.
    From the 6th/7th grad ewing I heard Kiniyah shout. "Erika!" I turned around, wondering if she was going to come to me or I would have to go to her. As she was walking to me, I quickly turned around to see Brysen crossing the road between the actual school and the gym. Funny how when I haven't seen the boy in a whole year, and when I do, I'm in a fricken bikini.
    Leaning against me, I pushed him to the ground. Just as I was going to quickly walk off, I saw Kristen and Dylan. Weird because Kristen moved in 4th grade and Dylan went to a different school in 5th.
    Walking to me, I felt relieved because they weren't too bad. Somehow we were all holding hands--me in the middle, skipping to my house.


    And then something about Phil, Dan, and Chris (youtubers) dying with a water gun in my neighbor's carport? What even

    Christmas in August? Why Not!

    by xRikkyx on 08-25-2012 at 01:04 PM
    It was Christmas morning when our family woke up. I decided to get on my laptop and sit in the hallway before we started opening presents. I was on xat with Brie and Jessica, they/we were playing Mabinogi, although it wasn't like Mabinogi. At some point it turned to December 25, 2013 and I typed in the chat, "MERRY CHRISTMAS!" In reply, Brie went, "WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT." (yes, with that many As!)
    and then I woke up to the ever-so-pleasant surprise of Nibbles going through my trash can and then hopping on my bed to give me a used tissue from the said trash can. Love.

    Don't Trust Bees Either

    by xRikkyx on 08-23-2012 at 01:50 PM
    Yeah, yeah, I don't remember much, etc, etc

    -me fricken having to swat my hand around my head to keep them away
    -Knocking down two of my bedroom doors (even though my reality room has one door) and they were like cooking sheets or something
    -neighbor giving us this bee repellent thing

    Never Trust Black Pick-Up Trucks

    by xRikkyx on 08-22-2012 at 02:59 PM
    Blah, blah, I write down all that I remember, blah blah

    Part one:
    Mom and I were in a car together, just driving. No real destination, just a nice drive. It was like a weird city place, like Atlanta perhaps. We were driving past a neighborhood of houses on the passenger side, and skyscrapers on the driver's side. In front of the houses, cars were parked parallel by the curbs. Just as we were passing, this small black pick-up truck zooms, we speed up to avoid any contact, and it slams into a silver mini-van. ESSSPLOSSIONNN OCCUREDDD. Something with police and us being really fricken freaked out afterwards (well I don't blame us).

    Part two:
    Walking my dog, something involving another pickup truck? Gee, I dunno.