• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

    Conversation Between You and Schlachtfeld

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    1. I just read over it.
      That's so cool! The last lucid dream I had didn't last very long and I couldn't really control anything but I had it last month and I REALLY want another lucid dream! DX
    2. I have a DJ...
    3. YAY!!!
    4. YES! I did it again!
    5. I hope that works out for you. That would make me so mad!
    6. I keep doing this, sometimes I end up RCing, but this time I was absolutely convinced that it was a dream, so I turned over, then did and RC en was like 'crap, I screwed it up again!'
    7. DX that must have sucked. Guess you better ride it out for a while longer next time.
      I tried to WILD around 6am, this morning. I think I got closer than ever, probably because I actually put some effort into waking up this time XD
      I remember visualizing random things while I counted and suddenly my foot started buzzing, but it startled me so it stopped once I thought about it. Then I fell asleep eventually. *sigh*
    8. ROFL at the last one, I don't remember my dream, I think I focus too much on it when I wake up, usually I can remember it once I let my mind wander a little, but notlast night. I did have quite a weird experience with SP, than screwed it up because I thought it was a dream and I could move, turned out to be reality....
    9. Oh, boy did I! XD
      I was in my aunt's house (I think. It looked like it, anyway) and I was playing a song on a bass guitar with my favorite guitarist playing along on his guitar. We keep screwing up the same note and laughing at each other. Pretty laid back, but it was really cool.
      I also had a nightmare: my grandma was trying to make all girly and princess-like O_o it was TORTURE! XD
    10. Did you have any interesting dreams last night?
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