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    Frequent sufferer of Sleep Paralysis, just recently have been using SP to propell myself into lucid dreams instead of super scary nightmares and am loving it so far. Looking to practice more and find people who are doing the same. Sometimes its really scary and it'd be nice to know that other people experience similar things and I'm not crazy or that I dont have some weird secret brain tumor making all this possible.
    Boston, MA USA
    photography, making soaps and lotions and such
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    Man in black followed me from a dream into my room?

    by ziggystardust on 11-07-2013 at 02:28 AM
    This is my first DILD experience that I can recall. All my others have been through SP.

    I was sitting in my bed and had just opened up a book on lucid dreaming that I've had sitting on my shelf for awhile. I got maybe a page and a half into the book before I fell asleep....
    I don't remember the regular dream part much, I was standing on a train platform and I realized that some facts didn't add up. Don't know what now, but it was enough for me to realize I was dreaming and I thought to myself " I COULD wake up now, but I don't really have to" So I began Lucidity and started to walk around a bit, I was in a deserted city street. It wasn't eerie or frightening in any way, just empty. I decided to get a better view and I jumped up and slowly floated above the city and into the clouds, and immediately decided I'd rather just walk around instead. On my way down through the clouds I caught a glimpse of a man walking by in the clouds below me, dressed in a black suit. I thought to myself that he might be another lucid dreamer and that we're all connected on this different plane of consciousness, and then I thought, maybe he had died and was on this level and that all consciousness is different that we normally believe it to be. But then I got closer to the ground and wasn't thinking about the man in black anymore. I was waiting to feel my feet hit the ground but they wouldn't, I was just hovering. I saw an Ipad Air next to me (hooray for random product placement in dreams) and picked it up and there was writing all over it and it turned into pages of paper and I felt them in my hands. I looked up from the pages and at my surroundings; I thought "how boring am I that I just want to stand here and read papers instead of exploring" ...

    Thats when my father opened by door and walked in my room. And I was so mad that he woke me from my LD , I was still half sleeping and wasn't able to open my eyes completely but as he walked over to my bed and sat next to my computer i was able to mumble "get out, i'm asleep, leave me alone".. And he got up and left. i never saw his face. And suddenly I let in a huge gulp of air and startled myself fully awake. So I go downstairs to apologize to my dad for being rude to him... and no one was home. AT ALL!

    needless to say I walked around the house with a knife and opened every closet while on the phone freaking out to a friend.

    Could it be that the mysterious stranger followed me out of my LD?

    I've heard of SP monsters following people from SP to LD but not the other way around! I have had other similar encounters where I've gone into SP and my hallucinations were totally boring and simply that people walked into my room to ask me a question, or came in to grab something. But I've never come OUT of a lucid dream and into Sleep Paralysis without having SP in the first place.

    Ive recently watched a movie about the area I live in and all the paranormal things that happen here. I think that added to my freak out.

    I don't know if this is the right place to post this question, but If anyone happens to see this and has knowledge about SP after lucid dreams or mysterious beings following you out of dreams please fill me in!