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    reading, drawing, hiking, writing, singing, drinking.


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    08-16-2013 05:06 PM
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    1. Zume
      Zume liked post by Universal Mind On thread : Cispa
      NDAA and CISPA have not gotten the media attention they should. Both should be absolute mind blowers to the public and by far the biggest deals in the U.S. news, but I think people are too caught up...
      Liked On: 04-23-2013, 03:15 PM
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    by Zume on 06-07-2013 at 02:36 PM
    I hate deep water, water that you can't see through. It gives me the willies.

    I'm on a charter bus and it smashes off a bridge and hangs. The windshield is shattered and I'm fighting not to fall through.

    The bus breaks off and free falls into the water. I wonder if I can swim through the window faster than the bus hits the bottom.
    non-lucid , dream fragment


    by Zume on 05-20-2013 at 04:43 PM
    Had a dream that I was Irene Adler and played out the whole episode "a scandel in belgravia"

    There were a few more twists, like I was actually a sidekick of sherlocks instead of just her character...

    it was fun...

    I'm going to watch sherlock when I get home :B
    non-lucid , dream fragment


    by Zume on 05-17-2013 at 03:32 PM
    Music…. A lullaby...a steel guitar

    the feeling is of mourning. An overwhelming feeling of loss and sadness.

    I hum the tune I hear in the distance, walking down a dark hallway.

    The hallway drops off into a dimly lit sound studio… typical with the gizmos and gadgets all lit up, hiding behind a glass wall.

    The other side there’s a man, someone I recognize as very dear to me. He's sitting on a stool in the center of the room, holding a guitar, strumming away. He asks "Are you going to come in?"

    I hold myself together, and walk to him, I'm magically sitting across on another stool.

    I don't say anything, just take in his image. I remember all his features, down to each wrinkle on his face. It's nice to see family again, after losing them.

    He begins to tell me how everything turned out okay for him, he's happy and gets to hang out with Bob Dylan..He tells me some other information but it quickly leaves my mind as a lost memory.

    He then tells me that Kyle is with him and misses me.

    I start to cry.

    I wake up, with the smell of camping filling my senses...
    that was the last time I saw him.


    by Zume on 05-15-2013 at 07:02 PM
    I slowly gain consciousness. I notice bright lights and a faint constant repetitive beep. As I stir from sleeping the noise gets louder. My eyes adjust and theres a floating orb hanging above my bed. It's glowing intensely and has the oily look to it, the colours shifting as I begin to stir...

    I try to sit up but I'm strapped down, I look and my arms are filled with surgical needles pumping in different liquids into my body. I start to panick and the orb starts to vibrate and make a low "buzz" noise.

    It calms me.

    I look around the room trying to figure out what's going on. There’s a figure in the corner of the room. My eyes are clear but for some reason this person is just a black shadow. He starts to talk, soothing voice...

    I recognize the voice but have no idea who this person is, My heart starts to flutter and the beeping mechanism catches up with my heart. I recognize the voice as someone I'm in love with, yet I'm in pain.

    I wake up and instantly have the feeling I have dreamed about this man before. Yet I don't know him in real life...

    Where, oh where are you dream man?


    by Zume on 04-25-2013 at 03:47 PM
    Sitting on the porch of an old cabin, there are others here. They feel comfortable, normal, familiar. I don't see their faces, but I know they're there and they're friends.

    The paint chips from the cabin, it once was white and now a dull chipped grey. I have Zilla on my lap (my dog) we're peaceful looking off into the mountains.

    The sun is setting over the mountains, a nice combination of colours ranging from yellow to orange to pink to red.

    Off into the distance I see a light blue emitting from just behind the mountains. I hear gasps of panic behind me. Then a loud crashing follows the now dark blue sphere engulfing the mountain side.

    I get nervous, Then realize an electrical bomb was set off.

    Everyone starts running, I start running. I make it off the porch and just behind the cabin before I'm in another scenery. Everyone is running into the ocean.

    I feel sand crunching beneath my feet. The water rushes in

    I'm electrocuted and have this odd feeling that we're all irradiated.

    Oh yeah, and dead.

    First time I've died by being electrocuted.
    non-lucid , dream fragment