[I have already posted this on another forum. I'm just looking for some input.]

I would like to say beforehand that I am not a Twilight fan, nor am I a particularly "gothic" person. I am generally unconcerned with the supernatural. I look at dreams for their psychological value only.

That being said, I tend to enjoy my dreams in strange ways. For instance, morbid or morose dreams make me feel unbelievably happy when I sleep, but a little perturbed when I wake up that I felt the way I did. I also tend to remember them better.

I've been trying to keep a journal of the dreams I remember. (I forget most of them.) I usually try to piece together some kind of plot when I wake up; this helps me remember the dreams better. Here goes:

My mom and I are driving down a dark road at night. The bus breaks down, the driver disappears, and somehow we get separated. I go into a normal-looking suburban house just sitting at the side of the highway. As I walk inside, I notice that it is completely dark (yet I can somehow see), and it has no windows. As I walk in, I see a man (a father) laying on a couch reading a newspaper. He barely acknowledges me as I walk in. But there are children of various ages, from toddlers to ten-year-olds, who notice me and stare. They are all pale and creepy-looking. At first I try to ask them if I can use their phone, but they seem to not hear my request and instead just follow me around the house. At one point, a toddler boy tries to bite into my wrist to drink blood, but I shoo him away. I say to the father on the couch, "Can you please tell your kid to not bite me?" But he doesn't notice and the boy tries to bite me again. Then I notice a girl behind me who says monotonously, "You have such pale skin and such dark hair. Your blood will spill down to your ankles, and you will be happy to spill the blood of others." I ignore the creepy children and continue to explore the house. For the most part, the children ignore me and keep playing with their toys and dolls. But I finally get to a room in the back of the house, where I see myself tied up, asleep, in the middle of a giant spider web. At this point, the vampire children attack, and I am only barely able to fight them off. This is where it starts getting more bizarre. Superman, the Flash, and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles show up and fight off the children long enough for me to escape. As I run out through the door, I remember a bright white light, then darkness, a brief sensation of falling, and I was back in the bus again with my mother, headed for our destination - towards home.