
I stumbled upon this site and it seemed like the perfect kind of place to unload some of the crazy that's been going on lately with me when I sleep. Also, I've read a few books on Lucid Dreaming, and after reading a few threads, it's definitely something I want to try out!

Anyways. Three nights ago I had roughly 5 nightmares. They could have been one giant nightmare, and I simply transitioned from one scenario to another, but it's how it ended that really freaked me out, and STILL does. I can recall 3 of the nightmares rather vividly, and my final, er, ''experience'' even more so!

The last one doesn't count as lucid, but it felt entirely different from the others. And it still manages to send shivers down my spine. See, during this particular dream, I was telling my mom about my nightmares; I was explaining to her what had just happened in the dreams I had prior to the one I was having with her, and was fully aware in my dream that they were dreams (but clearly oblivious that she was part of the current dream).

I'm sitting in my kitchen with her, we're both leaning against the table, and just as I'm half-way through telling her about one of the other dreams, I notice the table is moving, sliding away from us. I look to her and say, ''I'm not doing that'' and then she looks at me HORRIFIED. Her look is etched into my brain. I step back from her and look around the room, and then I just feel this presence. And I FEEL IT. My clothes start to float, as if tethered by a string and someone is pulling, and then my body begins to float, too. I remember that I begin mumbling something, looking around the room scared out of my mind, and this horrible feeling of fear just washing over me! As I'm floating higher, I suddenly wake up. My entire body is working overdrive and it takes me some time to calm down.

No matter when or where I think of the words, '' I'm not doing that'' and the feeling that followed, I get such horrible goosebumps! Now, I'm having an extremely difficult time sleeping, I just don't feel comfortable...

So, yeah...I hope to stick around!