The first one is when I was a kid. I remember I was in my grandmas back yard. I looked through the fence and saw my mom playing with my aunt's two dogs. Then this unknown figure looked at me on the other side of the fence and smiled at me. I could sense that he was evil.

Second dream some years ago I was in a neighborhood and I was lying on top of this car like thing and something was next to me. Whatever it/they were had long black hair and I couldn't see it's face. I got scared and became lucid. I then began to float up in the air and saw a storied house and I went to the window but the light turned off. Then I found myself going up in a bed and trapped within sheets. I couldn't get out but did finally and from there I was in another dream in which I was at a trailer park but I was either small or big and everything's size was all out of proportion.

Third, I was in a neighborhood and saw three figures. They said some evil things to me that I'd rather not repeat.

Any thoughts or opinions?