There is this dream that I have had several times now, though it's not a whole dream that's recurring but just one simple part of it, a park at nighttime.

The first time I experienced this was when I was dreaming about going to the airport for a vacation.
I don't know why but somehow I needed to get out because I was forgetting something or someone, so I went outside.
It was dark outside, just like any night. I was walking on the pavement until I saw a park filled with all kinds of plants.
Somehow I found what I was looking for over there and went to some exotic country.
(this was a very old dream, I don't remember the details because I wasn't holding a dream journal back then)

Most times when I see this it is paired with the feeling of being lost or being chased. It's never clear why or where I should go.
But somehow the dream never ends there and the next thing I remember is that I left that place.
I can't remember how because that's like remembering the transition between being awake and dreaming.

My most recent dream was when I was about to go home from school. It was nighttime and I went through this park just like I do in real life.
In fact, the park could be the same park as the one in real life because there are the same little details in all of those dreams.
And again, I didn't remember how but the next thing I remember was being in school, not really helpful indeed.

I'm usually very good at recalling my dreams but somehow I can never remember what I did.