• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. #1
      Join Date
      May 2009

      Exclamation night-terrors and a very trippy nightmare!

      I was hyperventilating in my sleep and making muffled sounds,which my boyfriend described as, "screaming with your mouth closed".
      When he shook me awake, my shirt was soaked with sweat, and my arms and legs were trembling. My heart was drumming in my chest and I had this, "where am I" moment of terror confusion. But, because he woke me up in the middle of a terrifying, lucid dream...I was able to remembered everything. In fact, I was so afraid, that I was unable to go back to sleep for the rest of the night. Here is the dream (and if you can tell me what it means, that would be awesome):

      I was trapped in a box-like room with no windows, no air vents, and no doors...just four walls and a ceiling. There was a child's poster-bed, which was bolted to the floor, and the walls were painted sky-blue, with fluffy white clouds.
      On the end of the bed, was a frightening-looking ten-year old girl (who looked like me as a child) She didn't have a mouth, just skin without an opening. She didn't have eyes, either, just black holes in her face. Everything in that room was blue except for her. She was black and grey, like a color-less photograph. Her fingers were abnormally long for a child, and her nails were long and sharp. She seemed to hear every movement that I made in the room, and her movements towards me were so fast and in-human, that I spent the entire time trying to climb on the walls to get away from her. If she caught me, she would rake her fingers into my legs and strip the flesh off of them. I saw a wooden jewelry box that had been glued to the wall, and I tore it off and forced it open. The box was empty, but there was strange writing on the inside of the top lid. It said something like, "Fill the box, and the room shall be filled. Fill the room and you will be free."
      At that point,the terrible gray-colored child with the long fingers found me again, and I began jumping on the bed so she couldn't grab me. I then because frustrated, and hit myself in the head with the box until I saw brain matter and blood splatter all over the sky-painting on the wall.
      That is about the time that my boyfriend woke me up. And I had an uneasy feeling that I only escaped from the dream because I destryed myself with the box. I don't know if that is what i was supposed to do in that horrible dream.

      What do you think this means?

    2. #2
      Join Date
      May 2009
      such dreams are horrible. At least you have a good boyfriend. My boyfriend didnt wake me up when I had a nightmare, even though he told me a day later I sounded as if I died :/

      however, back to your dream. This sounds extremely scary!!! i had a similiar dream once in which I found myself in some tower and there was a young girl. She wasnt as horrible as yours, but I felt a terrible threatings force coming from her.

      I cant tell you what your dream meant though. Everyone has to find that out by himself. Do you have any ideas what it could have meant for you?


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