Just started in this site to try to finally put an end to this recurring nightmare. Mainly because it has had more frequency the last month, and also because it changed last night in a very odd way that left me kind of stunned all day.
This is dense, sorry. Never wrote it out before.

OK. To start it began when I was a young teen (am 31 now). I would walk down into my grandmothers basement and into the unfinished utility room. (newish house, 70s style) when i would go in the furnace unit would catch my attention as something disturbing but as I realized that, a glass hutch would morph into a glass monster and scare the heck out of me. That lasted a couple years, till the focus became that furnace because the disturbing feeling would become terrifying horror. I mean paralyzing. like it was pure evil. (freaks me out typing it).
This went on for years. sometimes it would pull me in and inside of it would just transition to another dream, usually a house that I knew.
In my early twenties it turned into my dads house. but the furnace disappeared, and it was certain doorways. he had a large old two story so the upstairs landing was very large. and as I would go around i could feel dark presences and some doors would give off that horrible evil.(I can't stress enough, that it isnt fear or scariness, its down right wrong)

Finally in the last several years, It has just been a gigantic mansion. Some times I will be in the basement, sometimes the upstairs. But each time I know what area to fear. On one hand I am drawn to it but on the other I am scared as all hell because I know that whatever is behind that door is so wrong. Sometimes the evil feeling will chase me, other times i can will my self to wake up, and other times i have no idea, but i am awake.

Last night. I brought a group of young people in. First time ever. They were running around. ANd I told them to stay away from the attic. Next thing I know i am standing there, several of them are hurt and in the middle is a person size clear box with one kid in it (by kid i mean twenties) and this blonde, dark looking man is cutting off his arm sticking out. He looked at me, and he was that evil. Terrified completely, just in awe, never had a solid person representing it. he said i had to bring him more or i was never getting out. And i did, went to find more, and then i was out. Only got so far as finding them. Then I was awake.

Again. really can't stress enough the feeling that it gives me in these dreams, so overwhelming and powerful just pure evil. I am and have always been a very vivid dreamer. always have good stories, because i remember them well and feel a lot in them.
I also want to stress, that I am a good person, I realized writing this that I may seem like a serial killer or something - really I'm not. ALso, seems like i am hiding something. But pretty sure I am not, i am a very open person. Actually looked fo hypnotists today to see if maybe there is something there, but decided to start here.
I want to take control. And I am thinking with the senses I already have working in my dreams in general that I may have some luck with it.
Thoughts Please... a little nervous to sleep tonight...