This has been bugging me for over several dreams now,
always when I am kicking some bad guys' asses some DC dude with a lot of muscles and a unshaven "rough" look shows up and OWNS me with mad elemental attacks and then stabs me in the heart with his katana. Then I die and wake up.
He also screams thing at me like "Get outta my dream!!!" or "YOU'LL NEVER EVER BEAT MEEEEEEEEE!!!"
I have tried asking for his name, and where he was from, but all he gives me is a very angry look and one time he said that it is "None of your business"

I was always the strongest person in my dream, god-like, but now I'm getting my ass kicked by this powerful DC...
I'm even kind of afraid of getting lucid now. He'll show up and I'll die again, ending my dream...

WTF is going on?!?!?!
