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    1. #1
      Join Date
      Aug 2006
      Derbyshire, GB
      I was having a conversation with my sister about Back to the Future (I'm not having a go at the story, just exercising my brain). Basically, I do not believe you can change your own past, regardless of the abitlity to travel time. She didn't agree. I'm looking for a few more perspectives, from those older, wiser or anybody else too. Is there any ambiguity or huge mistake in the logic I used?

      If somebody gave you a Delorean tomorow, and you decided to credit youself with inventing an item from the future (An automotive engine that ran on green house gases say), could you just turn up to your past self?

      Picture time as a line from the start of the universe until now. If every time there is more than one outcome, another path is created, ignore the other "branches" of possible realities. This is about changing your own timeline.

      Now you take the blueprints to your younger self, and get him the credit. He becomes rich and famous. The past has been influenced by the future.

      The problem with that scenario is that if you change your past self, then there is nobody who can become the person who brings the blueprints back in time. There never was the average Joe who stumbled across the Delorean. So who then brought the blueprints back in time.

      If you brought them back in time, then told your past self how to get the Delorean to do the same when the time comes, is that changing the past? The future you doesnt differ with the past you when he comes of age. There for the timeline hasnt changed.

      NB This is all assuming time travel is possible. If you enter another reality and get them to change your past, there will be no original you to go into another reality. It has already been covered, and is a long winded way of the above example.

    2. #2
      Wanderer Merlock's Avatar
      Join Date
      Sep 2005
      On a journey
      With each and every action we make. A desicion, the physical realization of that desicion or an event that affects us, a new line of time breaks away.

      I like that theory considering that it makes some logical sense. With every desicion or action the potential for having made a different desicion or action survives and another you that made the opposite desicion lives on in a different timeline while the you that made this very desicion continues along a different one yet.

      It can also be theorized that this doesn't happen and the potential changes don't manifest themselves in other timelines unless the desicion/action/event was an extremely vital one, a life-changing one. For example, if one could have died at a certain moment in time: one timeline with you living on goes on and another one splits away where you died.

      All fun theories to think about but I don't like to give it any more thought than that.


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