i am pretty interested in the philosophical debate. i will admit in the grand scheme of things i am ignorant on the subject. As are most of us. but i keep seeing the term "Free Thinker"

according to the Sacramento free thought society...
" A freethinker is a person who forms his or her own opinions about religion independent of tradition, authority, or established belief"

i totally agree with this statement, but sometimes its taken to the next level. i see some people go as far as saying only atheists are free thinkers. i think that is pure hypocrisy! i will admit i am a Christian. i formed my religious belief through my own opinions and research. but apparently because i did not arrive at an atheist's conclusion, im not a free thinker. just an "confused theist" as i was once called. i also found it humorous to take the free thought fun quiz on the SFT website. one of the questions was if i believed that there is any kind of existence after death. if i answer yes my score on the quiz goes down. i think that violates the whole idea of free thinking. Plus why is there a quiz to tell me if im a free thinker? . anyway the point to all my ranting is i think we are all free thinkers because we have all arrived at our own conclusions. what do you guys think