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      Song of the 144,000

      Song of the 144,000

      We thank you Father that you have revealed to us your protective universal light; that within this light is complete protection from all destructive forces; that the Holy Spirit of Your Presence permeates us in this light, and wherever we will the light to descend. *

      We thank you Father that you fill us with your protective fires of Love; that within this love is complete protection from all destructive thoughts and feelings; that the consciousness of Christ is lifted up in us in this love, and wherever we will the love to be enflamed. *

      We thank you Father that you are in us and we are in you; that through us Your Will is sent forth on wings of power; that Your Purpose is accomplished on earth as it is in heaven; *

      That through us Your Light and Love and Power is manifest to all the Sons and Daughters of Mankind.

      John Crane

      One of the purposes of saying The Song of the 144,000 is to raise consciousness, or in other words, increase our awareness of the world around us, and of the inner world as well. There are many ways to say the Song. People have said the Song as a daily prayer or meditation. Others have found the Song to be truly effective when said in groups of two or more.

      Here is another way to say the song: in a guided meditation, which I recently practiced with beneficial results, and as a side benefit, I got a good workout and a little fresh air.

      This is an exercise in saying the Song that you conduct on your self, on your own time, at your own pace. You can do as little of this, or as much of this as you like. You can break it up over several days, or do it all on one day. You can repeat this as many times as you wish.

      You should have memorized the Song so that you have the freedom to recite it from memory ? without getting bogged down with notes. This exercise requires repeating the Song several times. As you do so, visualize yourself saying the Song in a new moment of time. In other words, imagine that you have never heard the Song before and you are saying it from the first time: from Gods lips, in to your ear, and out through your mouth.

      Set aside about an hour of your time to take a short walk outside. I find that getting out of the house and getting some space around me helps to clear my thoughts. My favorite time is the morning, just as the sun is about to rise. Then get out in your neighborhood or nearby park. Go someplace where you won?t be distracted by a lot of noise and traffic. Also, try to find a place where you can say the song aloud without feeling embarrassed or attracting attention.

      As you start your walk, concentrate on your body. How do you feel physically? Are you tired, hungry? Do your shoes fit OK? Do you have a cold? Don?t put any attention on your emotions; we are just dealing with the body.

      Say the song once, paying attention to your body and to how you feel physically. When you come to the part about \"wherever we will the light to descend\", visualize the light descending on your body. Notice how you feel physically. Do you feel a little better? Is there more of a spring in your step? Did your stomach stop growling? If you want to repeat this step and say the Song again, that?s fine. You can keep repeating this step the first day and save the rest for another time. *

      Then, start noticing the physical world around you. What?s the weather like? Are there birds singing? What time of year is it? Then repeat the song as you contemplate the physical world around you. One of the benefits of doing this exercise at sunrise is that you can see the physical light increase around you as you repeat the words \"wherever we will the light to descend\". If you have the time, and feel so inclined, repeat this step several times and notice the physical world around you. Do things look a little brighter? Does the world seem like a better place to be in?

      Next, put some attention on your emotional state. Are you happy? Angry? Fearful? Bored? Playful? What is exciting about the day ahead? What are your concerns? Think about these feelings as you repeat the Song. Think about the phrase \"within this love is complete protection from all destructive thoughts and feelings\" and \"wherever we will this love to be enflamed\". Did you brighten up a bit on the inside? Do you feel the \"Consciousness of Christ\" being lifted up in you? Again, if you have the time, and feel in the mood, repeat this step and see if your emotional state doesn?t improve.

      Next, move up to your thoughts. Are you trying to plan out the day? Solve a sticky problem? Make some kind of decision. Put yourself in a mental frame of mind as you repeat the Song once more, this time paying attention to your thoughts. As you say the words, \"Your purpose is accomplished on earth as it is in heaven\" do you find that your purposes are more in line with what you perceive God?s purpose to be? Do you feel your thoughts are clearer, more defined?

      So far, we have dealt with our own physical bodies, our personal emotions, and our personal mental state. Now, try and think about God, or the Soul, or spiritual ideas as you repeat the Song once more and try to elevate yourself up to the planes of the Spirit. Are you beginning to sense anything at this level? Are you feeling a sense of peace or a sense of inner fire? Are new ideas or tiny flashes of intelligence coming to you? Many people mistake these impressions for emotions or thoughts, but remember emotions and thoughts have higher octaves or harmonics in the spiritual planes, so don?t underestimate your abilities to perceive spiritual reality. If you felt something for the first time, practice this exercise again another day, or practice saying the Song in other ways until you discover what works best for you.

      There are other variations on this exercise. This particular version was on a strictly individual basis, addressing your own personal needs up through the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual planes. Another variation would be to deal with mankind on an ever-widening circle starting with yourself, then your spouse and family, then your community or group, then on up to mankind as a whole. Visualize light and love and power flowing from God, through you, out to the object of your concern.

      The overall affect of this exercise should be an improvement in several or all areas. The key is to visualize the light and love and power flowing through you, not from you. Also, it is important to monitor this process and not only watch for improvement, but to expect improvement, if not increased enlightenment. And, even if it doesn?t happen the first time, don?t give up. Keep trying. We are fundamentally spiritual beings. We will eventually all come to the realization that we are part of God, but we can start right now by visualizing that which it is our very nature to do: flow light and love and power. In time, that which we have practiced will become a reality in our lives and a real blessing in the lives of others. I join with many others who can state that this is literally so, and that this is only the beginning![/b]

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