This is a clone of my thread in Ext. Discussion. State your religion, if you have one, or just explain your personal belief. Keep it short and sweet. Again, the goal is to understand eachother past the surface impression. The final goal is less bickering and more learning!!!!! We will then take points that were made here, and discuss them in another thread. PLEASE WRITE ATLEAST SOMETHING.


ALWAYS HAVE AN OPEN MIND. To be content with your current situation is an impersonation of ignorance. Every human HAS to be a little wrong on religion, so why jump to conclusions? Keep taking in information. In my opinion, we should be PERMENENTLY agnostic. It is the only way to have an OBJECTIVE view.


I dont consider myself a true Atheist. I believe in a governing force that cannot be created or destroyed. 0+0 does not equal 1, so there had to be some force in the beginning. The closest i can imagine is a MATHEMATICAL LAW. I dont believe it can have a personality or show mercy. Doing so would give it human qualities, which would automatically make it imperfect. If you want me to go on, PM me or something. It will make a WHOLE lot more sense if i can explain it, because i will tie that belief into almost all parts of daily life.


The biggest problem with religion is how FAST it closes peoples minds. The problem is that it gives you an answer to the unanswerable, but it is NOT PERFECT. When you have an answer, you are secure and happy. When you are happy, you have no reason to search. Usually it just makes people sound stupid (dinosour bones put here by god to test us.....) YOU SHOULD BE STRIVING FOR THE MOST PERFECT ANSWER, NOT THE MOST CONVENIENT. Wise up. \\\"Faith\\\" is a word to describe a human imperfection. Belief in something you cannot explain. Why not be able to explain it?

If only closed minds came with closed mouths. If my mind is closed than i have violated the message behind my own saying.

Following a set belief system says that PEOPLE 100 YEARS AGO KNOW BETTER THAN YOU. Really......did they? Let me ask, do your chruchs/temples/worship services preach against racial discrimination?

It automatically gives people security that they have the right answer, and everyone else is wrong.

Again, i could go on forever, but i think this will give you the basic outline of it. PM if you want more.