Ladies and Gentlemen I am a true believer in God and the LORD Jesus Christ.. But after reading a book yesterday in only a few hours my faith in Jesus grew 10 times then what it was...

I dont know if any of you have heard of the book called "A Divine Revelation Of Hell" by Mary K Baxtor?

It is about Mary Baxtor herself and about her first hand experience she had...In her true book Jesus came to her and gave her visions through dreams/meditation/visions themselves of Hell...

Jesus took her out of her body and brought her to hell to show her what Hell was like and told her "I have a use for every person on this planet..I want to show you this, and for you to write a book telling everyone about Hell"

If you have yet to read this book or have yet to hear about it, I strongly advise you of the Christian or Non Believer to pick it up and read it.. You can find it at for real cheap as a used book or I picked up my copy at BordersBook for 12.99 plus tax...

I know there is alot of people that doubt that exsistence of Jesus Christ because they do not believe what he did is possible..You can take the BIBLE literally or you can take it in whatever way you want, but in the end It is about how much FAITH you have in Jesus Christ.. and I am telling all non believers to repent from your sins and ask Jesus Christ for forgiveness and for him to come into your life...

In the book Stated above Jesus states "In Hell you still have all your senses..You can smell, touch, taste,feel, and hear all" Imagine being torturned for an eternity and wanting so badly even the smallest drink of water, but not being able to have a sip...

In a part of the book Mary Baxtor wrote that at one point a Satan Worshipper stood infront of Satan and asked "Where is my Kingdom?" Because Satan Worshippers believe if they Worship Satan they will get a Kingdom of some short.... Satan laughed and said "You actually think I am going to give you apart of my kingdom?" He put the Satan worshipper in what is similar to a jail sell but only thing in it was a rocking chair and said "Here is your kingdom"

In closing i'll quote what Jesus stated in the Book stated above "The worst Torture in Hell isnt for The unbelievers, but for the ones who knew of me, but turned their backs away...."

