Moonbeam, you are thick headed and repetitive. You seem incapable of changing your mind about other people's beliefs that you do not understand, and your arguments are incapable of counter balancing the years of study and personal experience that are behind my beliefs.

I've read the bible, the koran, the mahayana's, much of the vedas, countless jewish texts, the iliad, the odyssey, and countless other religious texts multiple times. There are messages in all of these texts that no longer apply to the world, but there are many many more messages in them that do. You may find no use for religion. This is a valid perspective. You may embrace scientific inquiry, empirical data, and logic as the acme of human accomplishment and applicable to every circumstance of daily human life. Religion may not be important in your life, but to say that it is not important at all, is a complete disregard for the billions of people who disagree with you.

Once again I will assert that the only real problem that you are capable of having is one with outspoken followers of certain religions who are themselves not very good examples of what their religions teach. If when it comes to religion, Christianity is your strong point; then you are truly ignorant on the subject because you do not understand christianity. Above all else; the teachings of Jesus are teachings of love and acceptance, peace and tolerance of your fellow man. No violence could come from such teachings and must come from the corruption of such teachings and the followers themselves. The same can be said for the teachings found in the koran and most other religious texts for that matter. If you focus on the negative, that is all you will ever be capable of seeing.

I call your argument 'straw man' because you are setting up a hypothetical situation that in actuality is impossible because you think it will be an easy point to argue with me on. I don't have children and so I can't answer your question. If I did have children, they would have a spiritual mindset and would understand the importance of positive mind long before the specific situation you are describing ever occured and so there wouldn't really be a choice between science and religion. The religion would already be there, and the science would come after.

Yea, we're lucky we have access to modern medicine, unlike some people.
I have to comment on this directly, because it is one of the most ignorant things you've said so far.

Eastern medicine is deeply entangled with their spiritual beliefs. The life expectancy for Japanese citizens is 80.7 yrs, and is the longest in the world.
Singapore's is 80.1, and taiwan is 76.4. This compares to 77.1 in the US, 77.7 in the UK, and 79.4 in Canada. China follows close behind with 71.4 (source), but falling short could easily be attributed to their widespread poverty and general disregard for the common people.

So you can see, cultures that mix spirituality and medicine are quite comparable to western civilization when it comes to their ability to treat illness and in some instances, outdo us.

I really don't think I'm going to continue this little run around we've been having. I don't see you bringing anything new to the discussion any time soon and I've run out of different ways to say "respect and tolerate your fellow humans and also respect their beliefs as valid." If you cannot get past your own perspective on the world then I pity you, and if you simply choose not to, then that is your decision to make and I can't stop you.