I am researching iTunes and other sites about the strange yet interesting notion of brainwaves through your hearing. I have come across a few different apps and betas through my searches, and the best one I have found so far is by a company called 'banzai labs' if you search it in iTunes, it will come up. The app to get is 'dream' this is a highly organized app that mixes different brain waves in a certain order to obtain lucidity. Of course it will cost .99 cents, but well worth it! There are 5 different tones on there, all dealing with sleep. The last one is 'lucid dreaming' this is the one I have been using to get lucid for the past month, but don't be fooled, it is not an app for the DILD technique; this is a WILD technique, you must follow the same instructions for a WILD, but once that has happened, you put on some headphones (required) and fall right into a full lucid dream. Before, it was a slight trick to stay awake for all the transitions to become lucid, also losing sleep, but this app won't let you with equal work. So try it out, see if if it works for you, works for me every night 100 percent. have fun and happy dreaming! -heydood3