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    1. #1
      Rotaredom Howie's Avatar
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      STM & Judgment Experiment

      [size=18]Short Term Memeory (STM) & Judgment Experiment

      I have been somewhat frustrated because I see a lot of effort and many very good Ideas. Many Ideas would greatly benifit from PET scanning or FMRI Imaging. However we do not have acces to those, so we make do with what we have.

      I have been wanting to try and differentiate between lucid dreaming brain functioning verses a non lucid dream. And to see if the brain fuctions as if we were awake, in a dream or somewhere inbetween.
      Without brain imaging capabilties I was at a loss of how to figure this out.
      Well maybe the instrument we need is the one we are ingaged in studying, the brain!


      These are some of the things that we know from scanning that has been performed in labratories.
      1. Visual Imaging
      Areas that generate internal imagery are active, providing visual detail. The regions that recieve siganal from the eyes are shut down.
      (This is no real suprise. I don't suspect that will or can change.)

      2.Logic & emotion
      Emotional centers are very active. Areas that are involved in judgment wind down. *Perhaps giving your subconscious or unconscious free rein to do what ever it wants.

      *Regions responsible for short term memory become inactive. The dreamer then forgets what just happened and accepts rapidily shifting scenes or Characters.
      (From what I can find out normal STM from a coherant awake person is a mere 20 seconds)

      The Process.
      The Active lucid dreamer need to do the following.
      While in a dream we often on the onset of the LD recall a task of the month or something else that we had incubated.
      What I need someone to do is at some point in thier LD, Try and recall what had just happened IN the dream and see if dream recall is relative to everyday recall.

      While In the LD, the dreamer, when he/she comes across a Logic/emotion based decision, note it and write down these responses.
      Then compare these decisions to what you feel you would have done while awake.
      If one repeadely chooses the same response as if they weree awake then the area of the brain would more likley be ingaged. Opposite of that of a normal dream.
      (This could give a lot on insight on moral issues in dreams too.)

      I have to go. I will elaborate more.
      Please add comments and advice and or questions!!

    2. #2
      Rotaredom Howie's Avatar
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      I guess I am going this one alone
      At my rate of LDs lately it will be a drawn out process.

      1st attempt 5/24/05
      After a rather lenghty dream I found myself in my bathroom looking at myself. I was not sure how I got there. So I decided to do a reality check. I stared at myself in the mirror, looking for some sign. Nothing. I tried to levitate off the ground. Sure enough I found that I was dreaming. My lucid dreams have become incrasingly real and difficult to distinguish from my wakng life.

      At any rate as I got my bearings I did remember to try part of this experiment. (Remembering a predetermined task is not what I am set out to do.)
      My goal is to compare short term memory with that of your waking life or that of your ongoing dream.
      I thought of things outside of my dream. Thatt day and then yesterday. It was very vague and each time I began to loose lucidity.
      I then switched to trying to remember what events took place and got me to where I was in the dream. As I did remember, opon awakening it was differant than that of what I origannally recalled.
      Two seperate answers??

      If I could maintain my lucidity and clarity this could become very interesting. As it turned out I lost my lucidity as I tried to think back further in the dream.

    3. #3
      Member nina's Avatar
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      Hey babe. I'll give this a try. Though I don't know exactly what I am supposed to be doing. Maybe you could elaborate a bit.

      Oh yeah, what about the Dream Sharing. You haven't given up on that have you? There are only so many experiments you can be a part of at one time. Especially when your lucids are so limited

    4. #4
      Rotaredom Howie's Avatar
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      Originally posted by Aquanina
      Hey babe. I'll give this a try. Though I don't know exactly what I am supposed to be doing. Maybe you could elaborate a bit.

      Oh yeah, what about the Dream Sharing. You haven't given up on that have you? There are only so many experiments you can be a part of at one time. Especially when your lucids are so limited
      You are right. Being the head of the Research Team I look over the Ideas and suddenly I find myself being intrigued and taking part in them. When in fact I probably are doing them an injustice because I can only spread myself so thin..

      But no. I have NOT given up on the Dream Sharing Experiment. I still integrate that part of the incubation process before going to sleep. There have been several nights where I have felt that something significant had happened. I just need to overcome my dream recall issues.

      My original post on this experiment may have included ten times more information than needed.
      In short, check out this post---->

    5. #5
      Member Lutch's Avatar
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      If there is a way i can help you without using LD's i would but if this is still going in the future ill join it i managed to have an LD last nigh i upgraded from 3-5 seconds to 7-10 seconds haha i never got to do anything but atleast i recognized that i dreaming. (I used your technique of "I will remember to recognize that im dreaming" which i think worked).
      But yeah you should PM me or leave a message here if i can help you without LDing haha.
      I reject your reality and substitute my own

      "If its not all good its not good at all"

      LD's - 5img src="http://www.boomspeed.com/egraphics/85205.gif" border="0" title="Adopt_one_today_from_pickle-green.com/egraphics!">


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