• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. #1
      USA bro is offline
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      Feb 2007
      Near to New York
      This is only an idea... I've been doing it for a few weeks now.

      This may sound confusing but bear with me, its very difficult to communicate this.

      I've tried to adopt a new mindset in the hopes it could carry into my dreams, basically what I've been doing is this.

      At certain points during the day (not necessarily alot, but a few, you can do it when you do RC's), imagine yourself back inside the dreams from last night, pick one if you have good recall, and see if any other peices come into place. Let your mind wander, picture yourself back in that dream state with those surroundings, daydream a bit. When you feel you've formed a bit of a fantasy, come back into reality. Examine your surroundings now, and try to compare some of the things you see or hear or think to the dreamstate. Then go back to your fantasy and then back again to reality.

      You can do this as many times as you like in a day, you don't have to make it tedious

      -What you strive for is to just compare the dreamworld to the waking world, and imagine them side byside.

      -If you can, during the day, do some more of these comparsions and fantasies,MAKE DREAMS A REALITY during the day with comparisons (did i confuse you?) (tell me if i did).

      -Try to keep this in your mind, this is probably the most important (and confusing). Try to imagine reality flowing into dreams. The whole point of comparing and imagining is to kind of make your head beleive that dreams are a reality as well. Imagine a continuam from waking to reality.Go to bed thinking of this continuim( what i mean by this is like imagining a transition from waking to dreaming, picture your fantasy now, going into your sleep and actively comparing dreams to reality.) and just think that dreams are another reality, "I must now adopt the mindset of making dreams an extension of daily life, not thinkig it is anything different and carrying my concious thought of dream awareness and comparisons into sleep"

      By no means is any part of this mandatory, these are mindsets i've adopted that help me to make sense of my struggle to lucid dream.

      Perhaps they can help you as well, or at least give you some ideas.

      it may work well with a MILD

      Hope I gave some ideas
      Brothers & Sisters in Dreams

    2. #2
      USA bro is offline
      WILD student
      Join Date
      Feb 2007
      Near to New York
      i beleive the mindset is incredibly important, if you can modify the way you think during the day, you may be able to carry it into the dreams.

      even without that many RC's
      Brothers & Sisters in Dreams


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