or whatever the roman numerals are for number 8.

I got this when it first came out...and played it, but then my memory cards kept getting killed or erased, don't ask me how but I played it like 4 times up to the end, then someone or something would erase it.

I bought it again but my brother has all MY playstation memory cards.../sigh

So I played it all the way through to the very freaking end WITHOUT a memory card, which means I never died or turned off the game hehe...

only to have a miscalculation with the "counter" ability kill me at the end of the game, so i never got to see the ending, so now I am doingit again for the millionth time. Has anyone else ever had this much bad luck with ONE video game? lol.

So I guess this thread is....Talk about your worst experience with video games, or yell at me for talking about mine.