I have a goal to lose 100 pounds. Ok, so theoritically its possible, but practically its not...if I wanted to lose 100 pounds I'de have to lose muscle too hehe...and maybe some bone mass...maybe dump one of my kidneys hehe. But I assume that if I set the bar so high that I can't ever get to it...and I know that, then I can continue to work on getting as good as it gets right? lol.

Well anyways, every Monday morning i'm going to post how much weight i've lossed from the original point. I've lost and gained weight before and it wasn't very hard to do either hehe, so I don't expect it to be too much trouble. Anyways, if I don't lose weight every week you guys have to harass me and tell me i'm a dumb ass or something ok?

Starting amount lost 0 (today is the first day mwuahahaha)