You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hey
You: hey there stranger
Stranger: yes
Stranger: how is going?
You: better, now that you're here...
You: do you know what an ISP is?
Stranger: no I dont know
You: it's called an Internet Service Provider, every computer has one
You: it's basically a serial which identifies where the computer is, what district, what it's connected to
You: it can be found, with the right methods, even on 'anonymous' sites such as this
You: did you know that?
Stranger: yeah I know
Stranger: that
You: so you must, because you seem like the intelligent type, know that I've collected your ISP
You: and that I'll be at your house in an unscheduled amount of time
You: I'll put you in a bathtub and slit your throat so the blood can drain. Then I'll lay down a mat and chop your body up into pieces, according to limb and appendage size. Afterwards, I'll put your decimated remains back in the tub and decompose your flesh and muscle with lye, leaving only bones. The bones, after scrubbing them with a sponge, will be put in a bag and buried in the woods.
You: see you soon, stranger.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.