So I've read it's bad to sleep with the lights on and it's best to sleep in a setting dark as possible. It doesn't surprise me, but my question is; How does it affect dreams?

Also curious what DV has to say about the health aspect of it, I'm still researching but I wanted to bring it here.

Light During Sleep Can Trigger Depression | MedicMagic.Net <- wouldn't surprise me, much.

Sleeping with the Lights On Could Make You Fat | MedicMagic.Net <- hmm? that one might surprise me.

DNA, Melatonin, and Sleeping with Lights On <- This one says Sleeping with lights on may interfere with how our melatonin does its job of protecting our DNA. There’s this theory that melatonin is affected negatively when sleeping at night with lights on—especially with kids. However, what’s for certain is that suppressed melatonin activity or reduced melatonin amount can initiate cancer or even contribute to its progression.

With melatonin weakened to shield our DNA, the latter may become so susceptible to oxidation. The result may be a mutated DNA that runs berserk and turns horrifyingly carcinogenic. These are the findings of Professor Russel Reiter of the University of Texas. He teaches Cellular and Structural Biology.

I am looking into this further right now. Interesting and a little freaky. Might have to start killing the lights more often - just to be safe than sorry. Which brings me back to my question here; Does it affect dreams at all, or just health?
I can't really say that I notice a big difference but I haven't been paying attention for too long. If I do dream better with the lights on, will popping melatonin even out the health issues? hah

and now I find this: How Light Affects Sleep?
"Sleeping with the light on can impair a person's body clock." I think my clock works better with the lights on while i sleep, my internal alarm clock still amazes me sometimes - but my waking hours are a different story, so maybe sleeping with the lights on contributes to my lack of schedule.. Hmmm.

I'm going to try to start paying attention to how much energy i have in dreams when the lights are off, compared to on. Lucidity levels will be interesting to also compare but I haven't been aiming for it lately.