Does anyone else suffer a chronic pain condition? Does it effect your sleep/dreaming? I've been having trouble with it lately after a recent flare up. Some nights pain will wake me and I don't get to dream. Other nights I dream I'm in pain. All my dreams have had a cloud over them since the pain became chronic. My Doctor has given me pain and sleeping meds to take as needed but they knock me out (kind of the point I know) and I can't recall much when I wake up.

I'm trying lucid dreaming again but I think the pain business is setting me back, I don't know if I'm getting a proper sleep and I've gotten so used to living with at least some level of pain I feel like it's seeping into my dreaming on a subconscious level. I know when I'm asleep my subconscoius does like to present me with things I try to ignore when I'm awake.

If I can become lucid will I be able to get rid of the yucky irritable gnawing pain dream atmosphere or will it stay imbedded in my subconscious ruining the mood no matter how I influence the content of my dreams? Is there some way I can control or influence it?