This started for me 3 years ago. I could never figure out how to describe the sound, as i use to call it water drops being dropped on a hot pan. I also watched a video called brain zaps which used a camera on low power recording which sounded very close. Sometimes the sound is in single decrescendos, while other times it repeatedly zaps in clusters. It happens in hypnogogic & hypnopompic states. Even barely asleep & just beginning to rest. Then one day it was simultanious with a visual flash of light while in single decrescendo. This is where i discovered that it was more like a camera flash, as when it is clustered is hard to make that assessment in describing it. It took me a long time to realize that the single ones were easier to pinpoint how it was sounding as most people still refer to it as a buzz noise. So after having it chronically for 3 years i renamed the description to being a camera flash sound that can cluster up in intensity.
I tried to do a lot of research on this thru the years & the news is actually quite bleak. Although doctors cant seem to find the cause, i suspect i know. This symptom has been associated with SSRI anti-depressants & many other pharmaceutical drugs containing high doses of FLOURIDE. So some of you may be saying "I dont take medications", but my experience didnt begin until i went off well water & moved to a community with public water. This is where i started doing research & ph testing on public &/or municiple water supplies. I discovered a high trace of these elements along side a high acidic imbalance in my standard testing. I found out the TRUTH, that municiple water supply recycles sewage water, which contains pharmaceutical drugs filtrated thru every day people. The treatment plants do not spend enough money to do a proper job of filtration & are complacent & hush hush about the FACT of using sewage water in even rich suburban communities as well as inner city. YES, you are tripping out on grandmas medication. Now its worse than this as the flouride is in brand foods as well. Hexafluorascilic acid, sodium aluminum phosphate, etc. they hide it in canned & baked goods as well as pesticides in GMO crops. You almost cant avoid it at all. But i strongly suggest steam distillation of your water & to move to local organic foods. This will stop the clusters, but even after years later i still here the single ones, though i slip up & eat pizza & snacks sometimes. Coka Cola products have the highest at 8ppm of fluoride, as all pops contain this dangerous chemical.