Yay, I've completed my first lucid task and an advanced one at that!

I was in this small room, it was like a hotel room, with old furniture and I wondered where I was. After I looked around this man came in and told me I was dreaming so I became lucid. This is when I spotted a mirror hanging on the wall and I remembered that looking in a mirror in a dream is strange so I looked into it and noticed nothing odd which is when I remembered the task.

I put my hand up to the mirror and tried to push my hand through but it didn't work so I began tapping on it and my hand got through, it was a strange sensation, it felt like water but it wasn't wet. I quickly grabbed my reflections' hand and pulled it out with surprising ease but as soon as it was on my side it disappeared and the mirror didn't have anything in it anymore.

I had this dream on the 22nd but I couldn't get to a computer.