• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. #101
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      I inadvertently completed the basic task. No spoiler tags this time around since I don't want to this to go seemingly unnoticed like my Advanced Task completion.

      DJ Excerpt, From Entry: Hamburger in Paradise

      At this point, my Chick-Fil-A and Burger King meals were ready, so I took them and started walking away. I wonder how I'm going to eat all this food, but a voice in my head blurts in, saying, relax it's a dream, eat away.

      Yeah, you're right, it is a dream, I think strolling on as if nothing drastic had really changed. I make my way back to the front doors where this guy shouts, pulls out an uzi, and yells something along the lines of "Everyone down, unless you want to volunteer to let us have some fun with you." I'm getting a kick out of all the people screaming and dropping to the ground. I just walk up to the guy, bags of food still in my right hand. I say to him, "Yeah, sure, I'll volunteer," raising my other hand into the air. He looks at me weird, tells me to stay right there, and then runs back outside where he starts assembling his cohorts. There's a lot of them.

      Well, crap, now how am I gonna enjoy my meal. There's no way I can fight that many with only one hand. So, I run away. At first they're hot on my tail, but a few short range TPs put enough distance between us for a little more breathing room, not that I was worried. The TPs destabilized things a bit, due to the sudden and forcible change in scenery. I stabilized by rubbing my hands together and focusing on the room I was now in. White walls, and lots of people on little white cots. I go into the corner, behind a white shelf that blocks most of the room from view, and pull out the Whopper. I take a bite. I normally don't eat in lucids, but maybe I should, because god this was delicious. The evil dudes were still looking for me and even came into the room and kidnapped a few kids and threw them onto crosses and into cramped coffin like boxes. But, I was chill, knowing it was just a dream, so I just kept eating my burger. It was moist and hot and meaty, with crunchy toppings like cold lettuce, and sweet onions, and pickles, can't forget those pickles.

      At the time I didn't even know I was completing the basic task. *facepalm*

      Last edited by Mzzkc; 07-22-2009 at 05:06 PM.

    2. #102
      Eternally Slumberous endymion's Avatar
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      I just got back from 10 days camping in the backcountry and had some great opportunities to try the advanced task of the month. There are my excerpts of my two attempts...I hope they count:

      ATTEMPT #1:
      " I find myself in my childhood home, out in the backyard, still lucid. I remember the Dream Views task of the month of exploding. As I had planned to pull it off, I would summon a bomb (timed), strap it to my chest, and let it go off. The way it ends up happening is more or less as planned. First I try to use the wooden toy chest next to the jungle gym as a place in which to "discover" the bomb. I walk up over there and open it up, expecting to find the bomb there. But instead, there is nothing. Not willing to give up that easily, I try to just turn around and expect it to be there on the lawn. After a few tries, this works! But instead of a fancy, high-tech bomb, this is one of those stereotypical round, black bombs like in Super Mario Bros. I just "know" that it's going to go off in one second, so I quickly scoop it up and hold it to my chest. It indeed "goes off," but not quite in the manner I expected. First, there is no visual blast, just a tactile vibration of great intensity. Then, instead of being broken into a thousand pieces, my body "locks up" and I begin to float upwards (against gravity) completely outside my control. I'm literally paralyzed, cannot move my limbs, and I'm mute, so my cries for help go unanswered. I just float inexorably upwards like a balloon until something causes the scene to shift."

      ATTEMPT #2:
      "Thus the scene shifts and I find myself once again at my childhood home, this time on the back deck (how hard it is to get away from that damn place in my dreams!) I'm still lucid, though not as high-level as before. Still, I remember to try the Dream Views task of the month of exploding. So I try to summon a bomb directly into my hands. I take them slightly out of my line of sight, then re-emerge with a rough slab of meat, like a steak or something. I conclude that "the bomb must be implanted in the meat and about to go off." So I hold it tight to my chest and sure enough, a moment later there is an explosion-like sound and I am flung dozens of feet off the deck and onto the backyard lawn, lying prone on the ground and feeling pain in my chest from the blast. Even though I pre-visualized and expected to be blown into a thousand tiny pieces, I remain fully put-together. After a few moments of lying there helpless, the scene changes once again."

      View my Dream Journal, The Book of Dreams According to Endymion
      Tasks of the Month completed since joining: Basic: 3, Advanced: 7
      LDs to date: ~101

    3. #103
      Loose Loggins Aerobic Robot's Avatar
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      Woo! First Lucid I have in a while and I do the advanced task! I don't understand each of the different types of lucids though, so I didn't know what to tag it with.

      Task of the Month / Demon Child (Non-lucid)


      I put on Ninja's lucid-aid mp3 3.0, I've never used it before (or any lucid aid). The beginning of the dream is a bit fuzzy. I'm in some kind of waiting room, it's dark and rusty, and there are pods, kind of like dog pound cages. I'm lead into some arena room, just as rusty as the other room. I have to destroy the entire arena. I remember the monthly challenge and try to blow myself up. I leap into the air, spread my arms, and yell "BOOM!". I can feel my body ripping appart but in the middle I warped into a pool area. There's a small child here, I try talking to him but he doesn't react. His face melts and transforms into some demon like thing. The rest of the dream involves curing the child, which is a figment of imagination, but the thoughts that created the child are from the future, actually, the tomorrow in the dream. I play along and try to solve it. The next (dream) day, I'm on a woven set of floating paths, and at the end is someone in a cage with the child. There's a well with a reflection of some type of video game. It's an old roleplaying game. Depending on how you've done in the game, you wither go to a heaven like scenario (Well of Gods) a limbo type scenario (???) and a hell like scenario (???). If you try to enter the Well of Gods when you haven't beaten the game you instantly go into the hell scenario. Someone gets in the Well of Gods and it spits out pictures and certain files. They turn out to be related to the case involving the demon child, and the child turns back to normal. I don't remember near the end, but I wake up. I splash some water on my face and write this down.

      I'm starting to remember things, I'll post about them as I remember them.

      I remember someone cracking a cd with this image on it.
      Last edited by Aerobic Robot; 07-22-2009 at 11:15 PM.

    4. #104
      Member Souperman22's Avatar
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      Attempt #2:

      Quote Originally Posted by Souperman22 View Post
      Lucid 1. I'm with some other random guy and we're getting a bunch of lightsabers to fight some small children in my driveway. Around the time I jump off my van and soar 10 feet into the air, I realize something's not quite right. A reality check shows me I'm asleep, and for the first 30 seconds or so I just marveled at how vivid and detailed the dream was. It didn't feel like reality, it felt more real than reality. I didn't think much about anything other than taking it in, even though I've been there thousands of times in reality. All of a sudden, TOTM occurred to me. I went up to the nearest kid and said, " Sammy! (I guess that was his name. It is now anyway)! Get me a hot dog! Fast!" Confused, he proceeds to pull one out of his pocket. I grab it, and down it in two bites. It tasted more like pork than beef or turkey. I woke up after I finished.
      Completed Basic Task. Never even thought to try and explode myself.
      Quote Originally Posted by Jeff777 View Post
      unfasten your pants and go crazy
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    5. #105
      Member skywatcher's Avatar
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      Task 2:
      I am in my room and am looking for some kind of fuse I can put in my body for the explosion. I find a piece of rope and put one end in my mouth. I light the other end with a lighter and the fuse begins to burn. As the fire enters my mouth, my body starts to get hot. Then, light starts shining from the sides of my body and it looked as if there were seams holding my body together and as they begin to split apart, red and white fiery light was coming from the splitting seams of my body.

      Task 1:
      I am walking on a busy street and ask a woman if she has a hamburger. She said to ask her daughter. I did, and the little girl gave me a tiny, plastic looking burger about the size of a quarter. I ate it but hardly tasted like food. More like eating a small kid's toy. In return I showed her a magic trick. I held up my hands and she watched as I made my fingernails grow before her very eyes. She was so impressed that she wanted me to do that for her, which I did. Afterwards, she made a comment under her breath that she wished they were a different color but I had to go do other things.

    6. #106
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      Would it count if I ate so many hot dogs and/or hamburgers that my stomach exploded?

    7. #107
      The i's are invisible. Achievements:
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      Quote Originally Posted by Plathix View Post
      Would it count if I ate so many hot dogs and/or hamburgers that my stomach exploded?
      That sounds like it would be awesome.

    8. #108
      I'm not all here, myself Dream scientist's Avatar
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      In a hideous dry spell
      I'm gonna keep this simple


      I was in a car with someone. I realized I was dreaming, then told myself that all the cars were transparent. I commanded the driver to hit all the cars, and we easily passed through them all. I hopped out of the car. My face felt all crunched up, and as I walked over to a fire hydrant to stabilize, my eyes closed. I knew the dream was fading, so I spun to remain lucid. I pictured the inside of a plane cabin (I wanted to explode after skydiving ) But I ended up in a bedroom. I then lost lucidity.
      Haven't had a lucid dream in 3 years, and I'm looking to get back into it.

    9. #109
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      Quote Originally Posted by Mzzkc View Post
      That sounds like it would be awesome.
      I know, but would it count?

    10. #110
      The i's are invisible. Achievements:
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      It should definitely count for the basic task. I don't know if just having your stomach explode is enough to complete the advanced task though.

    11. #111
      of dreaming dreamingofdreaming's Avatar
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      I completed the basic task, which really shouldn't be worth noting.

      Basically I was lucid standing around outside, I was thinking about what to do, the task of the month came to mind and suddenly I realize there is a barbecue next to me with a bunch of wieners on it. I grab one and eat it and think that I will explode afterward. It tastes just like a regular sausage, it was really long but I finished it in like 2 bites. Nothing happened after the first one, so I ate a second. I did a countdown, thinking it would help me explode but instead I woke up in bed

    12. #112
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      I did the basic task! Yay! ...It was easy

      (Ignore the weirdness)
      So I was running from Davey Johns's (or whatever his name was. It's the squid guy from The Pirates of the Caribbean) pirates with a friend of mine. We were running by many houses. We saw some cartoon character walk into one house so we went to look what he was doing there. Somehow we started arguing and didn't manage to enter the house. We though that we had already lost the pirates, but suddenly there appeared a lot of people with striped clothes. We realized that they are the pirates. Somehow I don't really like this setting and realize that I'm dreaming. At first everything started to fade and I thought I was going to wake up, but then everything became really clear. I was still wondering why everyone was wearing striped clothes and then I sort of explained it to myself - stripes mean movement, information movement too. Supposedly those people were sending information to the pirates ^^'
      Either way we start walking somewhere. We're walking across meadows of some sort, towards a little town. (We pass by my older brother with his friends. I thought he was dreaming too.) I think about what to do and remember that I wanted to do the task of the month. I try to remember it and remember that I have to explode. I start trying to explode, but realize I don't really want to explode and decide that I'll explode after I eat the hamburger. So I look at the town and think that when I turn back, there will be a hamburger stall there. I turn to something else, then turn back and there really is one. We get there and ask for a hamburger. The shopkeeper says that she can only give us hamburger ice-cream. There's another stall there too so we go to it. This time I ask for a hot-dog. The shopkeeper is a dumb blonde =_= She gives me a hot dog with lettuce in it, but she holds it too tight and the lettuce falls out. She asks me if I want the lettuce. I say that I do, she starts asking me if I really want it as it has already fallen out... I finally say no and she gives me the hot dog. I start eating it, but there's something weird in it. I take out everything that was in the hot dog and put it onto the shopkeeper's table. Between everything there's also a diaper. Then th diaper turns into a paper knife. My friend accuses the shopkeeper of trying to kill me and we walk out to somewhere.
      I know my friend isn't really there and that she's actually just a DC so I say something weird and she says she'll go find the real her? I say good bye to her and wake up.
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    13. #113
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      Quote Originally Posted by Mzzkc View Post
      It should definitely count for the basic task. I don't know if just having your stomach explode is enough to complete the advanced task though.
      That's my question.

      I don't see why it wouldn't count, technically a part of me is exploding, right?

    14. #114
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      Sorry I haven' t been around the past few days, busy as hell. They'll all be caught up shortly.

    15. #115
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      Quote Originally Posted by ninja9578 View Post
      Sorry I haven' t been around the past few days, busy as hell. They'll all be caught up shortly.
      Could you answer my question?

      Would it count if I ate so many hotdogs and/or hamburgers that my stomach exploded?

    16. #116
      Flying squirrels FTW!!! Snowy Egypt's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by Plathix View Post
      Could you answer my question?

      Would it count if I ate so many hotdogs and/or hamburgers that my stomach exploded?
      No. All of you has to explode, not just one part of you.
      Last edited by Snowy Egypt; 07-28-2009 at 02:16 AM.
      This guy, , and this guy, , are mine. BACK OFF!

    17. #117
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      Yep, snowy is right. You have to explode, not just ur stomach. Each a burger with a firecracker inside of it

    18. #118
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      Quote Originally Posted by ninja9578 View Post
      Yep, snowy is right. You have to explode, not just ur stomach. Each a burger with a firecracker inside of it
      What if I got fat all over and I exploded all over?

      For example, I eat 1000 hot dogs in a few seconds... Wait... I'm perfectly skinny. Then my body starts to expand, fat gathers up all over my body, not just my stomach. My body can't take it anymore and I end up exploding.

      How's that?

    19. #119
      Flying squirrels FTW!!! Snowy Egypt's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by Plathix View Post
      What if I got fat all over and I exploded all over?

      For example, I eat 1000 hot dogs in a few seconds... Wait... I'm perfectly skinny. Then my body starts to expand, fat gathers up all over my body, not just my stomach. My body can't take it anymore and I end up exploding.

      How's that?
      All of you would have exploded then would it not? All of you has to explode.
      Last edited by Snowy Egypt; 07-29-2009 at 05:12 AM.
      This guy, , and this guy, , are mine. BACK OFF!

    20. #120
      Member rampage's Avatar
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      Did my first task of the month ten days ago and my name still isn't orange and i'm going on holiday tomorrow so I guess i'm not going to find out if it does get made orange or not, before the end of the month.
      "There are only 2 things that are infinite; the universe and the stupidity of mankind. I'm not sure about the universe." -- Einstein

    21. #121
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      I did this earlier this month, without even knowing the challenge and it was a regular dream and i had a hot dog with pickle relish and mustard.
      Name (DILD)


      I was some sort of magical guy and was helping my party members out with missions of some sort. There was a lot of hot dogs and bratworsts and they were delicious. There were two black girls and they were trying to become SHU rats. After helping my party members fight some flowers that were shooting stuff out of their pods I went lucid. I was now a magical genie and my powers were to generate ciggerettes and light fire with my fingers. I tried to light a tent or something on fire and that was wicked. I had to help a black kid or something as his genie and put some sort of nodes on his face. These nodes made him magical to. For some reason these people had opened the necronomican and that was the end.

    22. #122
      of dreaming dreamingofdreaming's Avatar
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      Hmm probably not going to count mate......cool dream anyways.

    23. #123
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      Nice job Marsaray

    24. #124
      hero selffulfillingprophecy's Avatar
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      I'm new to lucid dreaming, I've experienced some similar things but definitly not to the extent that many of you have achieved. I've got a dream journal and have been using it for about a week and i usually get 3 a night. I meditate for at least 20 minutes before i sleep and sleep for 10 hours most of the time. I perform several RC a day. But i still havent become lucid...is it to early to get frustrated? How long did you guys have to wait? Also im going to try to eat a hot dog in my first dream iits late in the month but who knows i heard having a specific task helps...

    25. #125
      Demi-Demi-God wannabe Jonny the Nameless's Avatar
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      I joined too late...
      Those tasks are awesome. When + how do new tasks get decided?

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