Well, I've heard of a bunch of people installing Vista from a flash drive. Supposedly, because of faster read/write speeds, it makes the installation faster, but that's a moot point to me.
Anyway, they're using Window's command prompt to partition the USB drive and copy the installation DVD's content over to the drive using this command:
xcopy d:\*.* /s/e/f e:\
Now, I get most of that. Copies all files (*.*) from the DVD drive (d to the flash drive (e. However, I'm not sure what the flags are. What are the s, e, and f for?
Since I'm generally more comfortable in Linux, I was planning on replicating this whole bit into it's command prompt, which would mean something like
sudo cp /media/cd0/*.* /media/sd1/
But I don't know what flags the Linux version would need.
And while we're at it, is there any reason why I couldn't take the easy way out and just drag/drop the DVD's contents onto a blank partition? Including any hidden files/folders, that should work fine, right?