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    1. #1
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      After-sleep paralysis as a gateway to lucidity?

      I tried to WILD again today. I laid on my back (after being awake for 4 hours) and though about what Iīm gonna do in my lucid dream. I didnīt get any sensations. I stopped trying and went to my side, and just like yesterday, I fell asleep for about 3,5 hours. When I woke up, I had sleep paralysis. Now, this is very commmon to me. I very often get sleep paralysis when I wake up without an alarm. Normally I wake up, donīt move, and it just comes naturally, sometimes multiple times in a row. I usually just keep laying and think "omg Iīm going to a lucid dream" as calmly as possible. I let it come, but usually it just fades away and Iīm awake. Then I either get it again or I wake up normally.
      Once, I felt my body exploding and then dropping into cold darkness, and I think a huge hand cauht me. Then I woke up. Iīve had many dreams, lucid or not, starting from that very state. But as I said, usually thatīs not the case.

      So I though about this after I had woken up today: Maybe I shouldnīt just lay still and wait calmly for the SP to end and then hope to be in a dream. Maybe I should so something at the very strongest point of the SP. But what would that be? Should I try to stand up? Should I visualize? Any idea?
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    2. #2
      learning. making. doing. zhineTech's Avatar
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      i have read tons of techniques of how to have an OBE when waking up from paralysis, whcih is closely related to an LD. these are from "the out of body school: practical advice"

      (im putting "imagining" in quotes because it seems more like a visualization / muscle memory type thing)

      most of them mention "imagining" moving various parts of your body. like in a FILD (finger induced LD) you sort of barely twitch your fingers, its like that but you imagine the muscle sensations of moving your hand further and further away from your body till it comes free, then pull the rest of yourself out.

      they also suggest "imagining" running briskly, or feeling something (a cell phone is the example they use) in your hand till it becomes a "real" sensation.

      ive never had an OBE and dont often wake up in SP (i wish!) so try these out and let us know how they work.
      Back into lucidity since 4.10

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