This is the second time this has happened to me, but last night I decided to try to WILD, after a little bit I was basically like 'screw it, I just wanna fall asleep now' so I got into the position I'd normally sleep in. After about 3 minutes I immediately felt myself slipping into a dream. No sign of sleep paralysis, no hypnagogic imagery. Because I was only trying to fall asleep, not worrying about trying to dream, I wasn't ready for it so I quickly lost lucidity. Thoughts?

. . . also, because I wasn't ready for the dream, and I didn't actually have much time to sleep before I had to wake up and get ready for work (20 minutes), I tried to force myself awake, and I normally have no problem doing this, but instead I had a false awakening (lol), I forced myself awake into a different dream, where my nose was bleeding like crazy, and when I went into the bathroom to look in the mirror, I had blood coming out of my eyes too. It was scary in the dream, but when I woke up I just thought there was something really about it (I don't know lol). I just thought that was a really interesting experience that I thought I'd share (but then again what isn't interesting about any dream).