Alright, I'm here to share some wisdom that I have gathered by listening, reading, studying,
practicing for more than a couple months now.

If you have not had a real lucid dream where you have been consciously awake (You're in your dream , and your like "whoah dude, I'm dreaming" or thought of it , and having fun doing whatever you want for at least what would seem a minute)
Then PLEASE , as Monks would say, EMPTY YOUR CUP.
I've been there, where it seems . Oh I got this now makes so much more sense, Now I definately know what I need to do, but when you try for a couple of nights, you're LOST again.I'm here to help you find yourself, and fully understand the concepts, so you can find yourself on your own! and hopefully you can understand my jumble.

Sleep Paralysis : Alright, unless you got some problem where you hit this every now and then on accident and it's a life problem, this should be almost IGNORED.

What exactly Do I DO to WILD? Well I've got most of this figured

What you want to do, is to fall asleep!
But also you want to stay awake

We are all different I will give you that, so you might find more methods
and ways to do this

But the basic idea, is to drift off to sleep , without letting your focus go completely free
Otherwise you lose yourself in a sea of dreams
Usually if you Don't remember falling asleep, it's because you lost focus
had a thought that had nothing to do with your focus, and from their on
you became a rampant fairy in the woods with no focus, thinking any thought that comes to mind
YOu'll catch yourself doing this now, if you feel like it was important
Also, you're trying to fall asleep
Understanding that their are cycles involved may help
1: basic resting your eyes, not really feeling like moving much
2: deeper,accompanied with slight numbness might feel an itch or too, ignore it, ways to ignore that help
think of anything else, your toes, feet, thoughts, breathes
3: Even DEEPER, even more numbness and loss of where things are, I usually put my hands right on the bottom of my ribcage by my stomache, my hands are crossed ontop of each other, and I feel like they are intercepting at this stage.
4: REM, here is where you actually are dreaming, you'll be in a strange world by then.
you'll notice if you hit it.
If you've fallen asleep by then and let your focus wander, you will not.
Some people can wake up to a rem
or become more aware of it by a feeling.

But to actually hit 4:rem
you have to have as little focus as possible, thoughts, doing anything mental, or physical can effect this.
This is where ANCHOR comes into play.

I'm at this step, and it's an ass kicker
Sometimes you have no idea if it will work, or if your just gonna wake up in the morning thinking "SHIT"
BUT, the more you work on your anchor and figuring a good one for you.
the better you become
It's a slow progression
But after awhile you get deeper
and deeper into sleep
before you fall.
and the more you think about it
the better your dream recall becomes.