So, after a couple weeks of trying to maintain stillness when I'm awake, I finally did it! I could never WILD, but I think it went well enough...
So, I was in my bed, perfectly still, laying on my back. As I breathed in and out I imagined myself rolling along my bed. I noticed the tingly WILD feelings, but they were all over my body (rather than just my hands and feet). I realize that my Tactile Visualisation (I think that's what it's called) is coming to be, I feel what I can only describe as a Second Me rolling on my bed. I am also aware of lying down me, like I was in 2 places at once.
I figured this was normal, and kept rolling along my bed (I guess it was longer then it normally is). It occurred to me I would roll off the edge if I kept going, and so I caved into my fears and rolled the other way. Then I decided to face my fear, and kept rolling. Eventually I fell off my bed. My rolling body awareness was gone, and I was aware of my "Laying on Back" body as I fell through the bed. I landed on my feet in a field with some sporadically placed apartments (This seems to be my default dreamscape, if I don't envision one before hand... it's odd). To make sure I'm dreaming (heheh...) I try to fly, and it works. When I fly the world pops in and out in front and behind me, like Google maps, or an RTS game. I land and shout "CLARITY" as I hear this works for some people. The problem is solved, but now the world has a 2d-ish feel, and looks like it was made with paper and colored in with crayons. Very odd indeed. Memory blank here. Very very VERY non-vivid scenario where I am thinking about a hot girl. Dream fades.
The biggest problem: Any way to control dreams better? I noticed that I didn't try grounding myself, still a habit I need to get into. It was pretty weird. I find DILDs a lot easier to control.