Okay, last night I attempted again a WILD. (I haven't attempted any LDing in the past three weeks due to school and being busy etc. Time for LDing has come as second place for me, with a full night's rest coming first.)

What happened was this:
I woke up at 2:30am after 4+ hours of sleep.
Stretched and stayed up for a couple of minutes.
Went back to bed, and after a while I felt this falling feeling. But it wasn't like the normal falling feeling you get when you sleep, it was like a variant of it, I think. Anyway, I got them about two times over 10 minutes.
I then felt like lapses of just simple deep nothingness in my mind, but I consistently kept tuning out and then I was just concentrating on my body.
Then, the next thing I knew, I was in a hospital?
And I thought something along the lines of I'm going to get out of here and do something else. I then opened a door and went outside into a corridor/hallway and it was all black and I closed my eyes so I could like visualise a new scene... Suddenly, I felt the actual falling feeling. I dont think I was dreaming, I think it could have been my imagination, though I'm not sure. It felt like I had some control.
Then I was aware that I hadn't moved and I was still in bed etc.
And then I felt the variant of the falling feeling a few times and my back and head felt lighter. Though my head felt like it wasnt on my pillow.

I have no idea.
How do you think I went?