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    1. #1
      freefire FreeOne's Avatar
      Join Date
      Aug 2006

      WILD being easier with exercise?

      So way back before my inactivity back like 2 years ago, i was fat. <--(haha) I would exercise maybe 1-2 times a month tops, and my eating habits weren't all that great either.

      During this time, i was trying to learn to WILD. I had maybe 25 or so successful WILDs that were very difficult and took a lot of practice and hard work. It was so hard to find a comfortable position and just focus and let the vibrations come. Most of the time i just ended up falling asleep. Although i had 25 successful WILDs during this time, i had probably 125 attempts. So not a very good record.

      So i started school, got a social life (a big one) moved out, and decided to change my life around. I wasnt happy with life and being fat and at home. I wanted to change. I started to go to the gym too. I never stopped. I lost more than 50 pounds, and improved my life till i was a very happy person.

      during this time, DV and LDing virtually went on hold. My life was too busy for dreams and teh internetz. I had a life to change and improve. But i just started writing a book. And LDing would definatly help my writing, so decided that it was once again time to try and master this WILD technique. As it would give me the most control.

      And i was suprised how easy it was this time i mean, i havent had time for many attempts, but almost everytime i try and WILD, I get at least to the vibrations. And i give it hardly any effort at all! I went without practice for 2 years and improved my ability like 5x over!

      The only thing i could thing of assoiciating it with is all that exercise i get. Im just a little confused here. Anyone got any ideas as to why its so easy now?
      Total lucid dreams=88
      LD goal: Master WILD

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      ^that site is a great way to make extra cash.

    2. #2
      Join Date
      Oct 2009
      I'm no expert in biology by any means, but it would make sense that it is this way. When you're overweight you tend to eat more than usual, so your body would divert bloodlow to your intestines to digest all that food, leaving you lightheaded and making it easier to pass out essentially.

      Also, my dad is quite heavy and he can't sleep on his back any more because of it. I guess it has to do with all the fat on the stomache pressing down on the lungs, making it harder to breathe in that position, but I don't know for sure.

      Anyway, congrats on your change, man

    3. #3
      Member Achievements:
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      TheConqueror89's Avatar
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      True. After eating you may feel sleepy.

      From what i remember from the physiology i had it has to do, mostly, with the increase in bicarbonate due to the excessive necessity of production of acid in the stomach. This causes the leftover bicarbonate produced when making H+ in the parietal cells of stomach go to the blood and making it more alcaline.

      That way a called "alcaline tide" is produced and the blood irrigates the central nervous system with an altered PH leading to sonolence.

      The problems in sleep associated with obesity are related to the excessive fat around the airways which increases the effort made to keep them openin the supine position. That way, it becomes more difficult to keep them open and allow efficient breathing which may lead to obstructive sleep apnea. Some people may have to use a mask that changes the pressures on the airway allowing it to maintain its patency while sleeping and, this way, stopping the apnea.

      Anyway, I'm glad you changed your life to the best xD. It's a decision that requires courage and effort so i give you my congratulations.
      Last edited by Junknown; 10-30-2009 at 11:57 PM.
      Spontaneous LDs: 2
      DILD (DILD / MILD): 13 (3 / 10)
      WILD (WILD / DEILD): 9 (7 / 2)
      Total Lucid Dreams: 24 (2 of them were EPIC LDs!)
      First Lucid Dream:23-07-2009
      Last Lucid Dream:01-09-2011

    4. #4
      Join Date
      Jan 2010
      LD Count
      Land of Nod
      Exercising increases Serotonin in the brain which converts to melatonin while you sleep. It is near impossible to fall asleep when serotonin is very low. You need the melatonin. Having lower serotonin would affect your ability to fall back asleep once waking up which could have had an effect. It is considered essential for doing WILDs. I personally have found that if you are not sleepy enough it is really difficult to enter a deep trance. I have had problems with serotonin since I was 18. I have to take meds to sleep. Sunlight will also help increase your Serotonin.


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