• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. #1
      Join Date
      Dec 2009

      Help- advice, how close was I, tips for next step.

      So basically this is the run down.. Two days ago I was in my room watching T.V at night. I tried to fall asleep once or twice and when doing so, I also tried to WILD. Big failure (FYI had not yet had a WILD at the time) so I would just turn the TV on again. Around 5:45 in the morning I turned off the T.V for the last time, and reeeeeally tried to fall asleep. No WILDING on the brain at this point. There was some issues however, basically just super uncomfy, neck was hurting, kept changing positions, tried sleeping on the floor, went back to the bed, etc. Eventually resumed my normal position and apparently fell asleep, although I thought I was still thinking.

      ANYWAYS, fell asleep around 6:00-6:15ish and had some sort of dream (can remember the feeling of the dream but couldn't describe it to you) and then that dream started to fade away and an image of my porches steps came into view (at nighttime, snowy) and it solidified. I was thinking OMG I'm gonna have a WILD, so basically just kept repeating "Shia Labeouf, Shia Labeouf, Shia Labeouf" and my body was vibrating, etc. However after a bit, the image faded and I my eyes opened of the their own accord and I was like "Waaaaaaaaa, did that really happen?"

      Also, yesterday night, I was trying to go to sleep, and was trying to WILD, and my eyes felt pretty heavy and at one point all the stuff in my eyes faded to black and I was like suuuuuper excited 'cause I thought this may have been a WILD but unfortunately I was toooo excited and my eyelids kept flickering and occasionally opening. I told myself to think of other stuff and tried, but it didn't work.

      So, that was that. Was their progression? How close was I? What should I do next time? Any advice, etc? Any replies are appreciated! Thanks!

    2. #2
      Join Date
      Feb 2010
      You're definitely doing better! The things you're describing are all kind of vague (not your fault, the feelings are always kind of vague) so it's hard for me to say exactly how far you were. It sounds to me like you're getting too excited though. Next time you get that far, just take some deeeeep breaaaaths and calm down. Do progressive relaxation if you can think that much...
      The vibrations could have been part of sleep paralysis. Look up the WILD tutorials, etc, and they will probably help.


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