• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. #1
      Join Date
      Feb 2010

      how long does wild last?

      when you wbtb and sit there and do a wild method and enter a lucid dream how long does the dream last? can you wake up at will in a lucid dream? i want to know because i want to set multiple alarm times to wake myself up in case of me falling asleep during a wild.

    2. #2
      Member Achievements:
      1000 Hall Points Veteran First Class

      Join Date
      Sep 2009
      A lucid dream can last as long as you are in REM which can be up to about an hour at the maximum length. You can wake yourself up, sometimes you can have false awakenings using these methods however. Try going to sleep in the dream or putting yourself in a scary situation and shouting loudly while running or something, the adrenalin should cause you to wake up, there are other ways but I do not really know as I have never tried waking up.

      The problem here is that it can vary in the time that it takes you to get into a lucid dream whilst WILDing making future alarms interrupt you before you are in a lucid dream or something.

    3. #3
      Join Date
      Feb 2010
      I can always wake myself up out of an LD, but I am told this is moderately unusual... I can take myself out of SP at will (I know you will say "NO you can't that's not possible!" but the fact is that I can do it) and I just get out of bed. It's a weird transition because it's very sudden but it gets the job done. And it's not an FA.

    4. #4
      Miss Sixy <span class='glow_FFFFFF'>Maria92</span>'s Avatar
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      It's definitely going to take some building up to reach a lucid dream more than a few minutes in length, but under any method, you should be able to extend them to about an hour long at most with enough practice and experience. Time perception, though, may be something worth looking into. It basically states that, when dreaming, you can skip certain scenes and events and cut right to the good stuff. For example, in my dream last night, I ended up having to run home. I distinctly remember, though, that I just sort of appeared in front of my house, running the last few steps. My mind later filled in the memory upon waking. In this way, although you won't be able to extend the dream over an hour in real time, you can still trick yourself into thinking it was much longer.

      Long story short, the first few lucids are probably going to suck...they do for most (but not all) people. If you stick with it long enough, though, you can achieve half-hour or hour long dreams, and make the dream feel even longer. Any method you choose will attain the same results, so it really is all about finding the method that you like the most.

      Good luck!

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