After writing down my whole day in my waking journal and setting my intention to remember my dreams,
I fell asleep normally. I had an alarm set to 4:00 AM so I could try and attempt another WBTB MILD (No success in lucidity yet, just vivid dreams).

My alarm jolted me awake and destroyed any recall from earlier in the night . After surfing on the DV forums for 25 minutes, I went back to bed.

I was attempting to MILD by visualizing becoming lucid in a previous dream while repeating the mantra:
I AM lucid, I AM dreaming.

I eventually stopped visualizing and jjust repeated the mantra while lying on my right side and trying to fall asleep. I then started to feel incredibly intense vibrations, especially in my ears. I also heard a bird chirping which may have been a hallucination. I then felt a sort of transition which I knew was me entering the dream( but no HI).

I then experienced a false awakening where I moved which disrupted the vibration making me think I failed. But the vibration came back several times which shouldn't of happened because I should have been immobilized from SP.

For my first attempt, that seemed very close to a successful WILD. Should I continue with this technique and is there any advice you guys could offer me?

P.S. I have never had much success with MILD