• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views


    WBTB is short for Wake Back To Bed and is when you wake up a few hours into sleep to increase your chances of achieving lucidity. WBTB is not a technique in itself, but enhances others to make them way more effective.

    How to Achieve WBTB

    In order to achieve a WBTB you only need to wake up a few hours into sleep and then go back to bed. For it to be as successful as possible you need to do some planning and give it a few tries. This is to find out a few important things:
    • How long is my Sleeping Cycle?
    • How many hours into sleep will work best for me?
    • For how long do I stay up?

    1: We all have Sleeping Cycles that vary. To find out how long yours are, anytime you wake up during the night you make a little note which includes the time. In a week or so you should have enough information to make an estimate. You don't have to do this, but if you do, you'll be able to time them perfectly.

    2: The goal is to wake up near the end, or at the end of a REM Cycle. This is why you want to find out how long your Sleeping Cycle is. If you rarely wake up during the night you can just use the most common times which are either 4½ or 6 hours into sleep. Earlier than that and you don't spend much time in REM; later than that and you'll most likely have a hard time falling back asleep. This is something you have to find out by trying.

    3: A general rule is this: The longer you stay up, the higher chance of achieving lucidity; conversely the longer you stay up the harder it is to fall back asleep. Some people can't go back to sleep if they've been up for even a few minutes. If you experience this issue then I recommend keeping the WBTB's as short as possible. If you can stay up however, you should. You can stay awake for up to an hour, but between 20-40 minutes should be enough. How long you should stay up is also affected by when your WBTB occurs.

    Techniques and mindset

    When attempting a WBTB you need to be in the right mindset. You want to be determined and prepared even the night before, to reinforce the idea as you go to bed that the WBTB will get you lucid and believe that it will. Once you're awake you want to keep your thoughts on lucid dreaming and any task you've set up. Logging onto DreamViews or reading a lucid dreaming related book works great.

    As stated previously, WBTB is not a technique in itself, but more of a lucid aid. When combined with other techniques it increases chances of achieving lucidity tenfold rather than if you were to practice the technique on its own. WILD even requires you to perform a WBTB to work. MILD and WBTB is a great combination; just as you are about to enter REM and dream, any thoughts or mantras will likely carry over to the dream and aid in lucidity.

    Here's an example of how a proper WBTB looks like.

    22.00: Sleep time, set alarm at 04.00 which is six hours into sleep. Start visualizing certain tasks or do mantras. Look forward to doing the WBTB and getting lucid because of it.

    04.00: Alarm sounds. Shut it off and perform a Reality Check. Stay up for as long as you need to maintain awareness, usually 20 to 60 minutes. Try to look forward to going back to bed and getting lucid. Think "when I go back to bed, I will become lucid and fly to the moon." Combine this with a visualization of flying to the moon for greater effectiveness.

    04.30: Go back to sleep; keep in mind that once you fall asleep you will get lucid. Try to have it as your last thought.

    Last Notes

    Do not worry if the first few WBTB attempts don't succeed. Just try different amounts of time staying up or a different time for waking up. You can perform a WBTB any night during the week. I suggest you do it on nights you know you can afford to lose some sleep.

    That's all on WBTB. As usual, the more you believe it will get you lucid, the higher chance of it happening.

    Other Links

    WBTB - Wake Back to Bed - Lucid83


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